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Industrialization Unit 9.

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1 Industrialization Unit 9

2 I can identify major eras and events in U.S. history such as the Industrial Revolution.

3 Warm-Up: Monday Industry Industrialization Manufacturing Urban
Use your device or text book to define: Industry Industrialization Manufacturing Urban Sectionalism Agriculture Agrarian

4 Industry - Making money by using machines and factories.

5 Industrialization - Development of industry on a BIG scale (i.e. cities, regions and countries)

6 Manufacturing - The making of goods by man or machinery (i.e. cars, weapons, planes)

7 Urban - Relating to a city or town.

8 Sectionalism - Loyalty to a region (i.e. South, North)

9 Agriculture - Practice of farming

10 Agrarian - Relating to farmers or their way of life

11 Map Rubric: Color the Northern States Blue Color the Southern States Gray Identify the manufacturing states with ///// marks Identify the agricultural states with

12 Northern & Southern States

13 I can Analyze the causes and effects of economic differences between the North and South.

14 Textile - Cloth that is made into clothes

15 Question to think about…
Look at your Sectionalism Map. What do you think the South provided to the North?

16 South: Raw Materials North: Textile (finished good)

17 Economic Differences between the North & South
North – manufacturing and industry South – agriculture (supplied North with raw materials.

18 Why do you think manufacturing developed in the North?
I can analyze the causes and effects of economic differences between the North and South. Why do you think manufacturing developed in the North? How did this affect the North?

19 Why do you think agriculture developed in the South?
I can analyze the causes and effects of economic differences between the North and South. Why do you think agriculture developed in the South? What did this lead to?

20 North South Cause – industrialization led to new jobs
I can analyze the causes and effects of economic differences between the North and South. North Cause – industrialization led to new jobs Effect – urbanization and growth of cities South Cause – warm climate & fertile soil Effect – plantations and slavery

21 Warm-up: Wednesday Use each of the following word phrases in a sentence that explains industrialization and urbanization. (5 sentences total) Plentiful Natural Resources Improved Transportation Growing Population New Inventions Investment Capital (money you put into a company)

22 Capital – Money (Ex. Investment Capital – Money you invest in a business

23 I can Explain the relationship between urbanization and conflict.

24 After watching the video, make a list of conflicts that resulted from urbanization. (list 5) Urbanization – dealing with cities and towns

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