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The French and Indian war

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Presentation on theme: "The French and Indian war"— Presentation transcript:

1 The French and Indian war

2 ? Name makes no sense.. NOT the French against the Indians
A small part in a much larger global war.

3 British French and VS and Native Allies Native Allies

4 The French Traveling aaaaaaaaaall around the western territories.
Claim Louisiana Territory from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains Cities like Montreal and Quebec grow along the St. Lawrence River


6 Very different from British colonization and Spanish Colonization
Very different from British colonization and Spanish Colonization. Each had their own unique characteristics. Religious Generally relationship building. Not settlement

7 Native Americans Control much of the land “claimed” by France and Britain. Compete with France and Britain for the Fur Trade. Fight amongst themselves as well as form alliances.

8 Ohio River Valley Its fur trade was coveted by France, British, as well as the Native Americans.

9 BIG BEN – Albany Plan of Union

10 Albany Plan of union - continued
Based upon the Iroquois. Iroquois were actually 5 main tribes bonded together in a confederacy. Much of our early U.S. government will be based off this idea. Ultimately failed.

11 The war. Britain and its colonies are not doing very well
They send more British Generals and troops, as well as bring in more money to finance the war. George Washington's involvement? Almost killed – failure militarily. - remember the source image activity?

12 William Pitt Yes… Pittsburgh is named after him!
British secretary of state – who did a lot to turn the tides in British favor.

13 Ultimately the British start “winning”
Battle of Quebec- British take Quebec

14 Treaty of Paris Ends the French and Indian war

15 Effects from the Treaty?
Britain claims all of N. America East of the Mississippi, including Spanish-Florida which Britain trades back Cuba and the Philippines for. Ends French power in America BUT WAIT?!! How does Jefferson later purchase the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon and France?!

16 More effects Indians not happy with the spread of Europeans westward – many attack the British Forts Pontiacs rebellion – Ottawa Tribal leader who leads one of the many revolts. Delaware tribe? Blankets?

17 Proclamation line of 1763 Due to the intense violence from Native Americans, the British decide to keep the colonial land at its original boundaries at the start of the French and Indian war. Why was this a problem?

18 The Colonies…. Had fought for that western land…
Were being forced to pay for that fighting in the form of taxes…. And now were no longer legally allowed to settle there.

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