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Capital Appeal Pledges and Contributions

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1 Capital Appeal Pledges and Contributions
Mortgage Free! Planning for the Capital Appeal starts this year! Bee a part of this!!! $2,500,000 $2,250,000 $2,000,000 Capital Fund Appeal Status as of January 15th 2009 $1,750,000 $1,500,000 PLEDGED TO DATE: $1,335,000 $1,250,000 Called to Grow! $1,000,000 GIVEN TO DATE: $1,043,694 $750,000 AVERAGE GIVEN PER MONTH BY MEMBERS (Since April 2004): $12,604 $500,000 Blessed to Bee!

2 Building Team Update $2,675,321 in Capital Fund Expenses to date
(Expenses since 2004): $2,675,321 in Capital Fund Expenses to date $2,504,468 for site work and construction $141,018 for architecture, engineering, and permitting $26,795 for consulting $3,039 reimbursements to individuals for events, fundraisers, and administration

3 Building Team Update Original Contract Price: $2,363,454
Current Contract Price: $2,640,681 Sum of Change Orders: $ 277,227 (11.7% increase) Final Loan Draw: $92,000 County Bond: $13,000 Floor coverings in old building ($11,073) Parking Lot Paving ($56,200) Drainfield Repair ($13,500) Retainage ($66,017) Temporary Occupancy Permit: Parking Lot Marking Sidewalks Elevator Alarm Fire Alarm Corridor Fire Rating Handrails Soffit Ventilation Calculations

4 $10,053 Special Gifts plus 274 hours of labor received
Adopt-a-Room Program $10,053 Special Gifts plus 274 hours of labor received

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