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H2020 AMICI Workpackage 4 - Innovation.

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1 H2020 AMICI Workpackage 4 - Innovation

2 WP4 Innovation – Scene Setting
The AMICI H2020 project is charged by the European Commission with the challenging task of building the conditions for consolidating and exploiting such collaboration to strengthen the capabilities of European companies to compete on the global market, not only as qualified suppliers of components for accelerators and big superconductor magnets, but also in the development of innovative applications in advanced sectors such as healthcare and space. “How can the coordinated Technology Infrastructures of the major European accelerator research labs help industry?”

3 WP4 - Benefits for industry
AMICI will enable easier access to coordinated, cutting edge infrastructure and specialist skills for industrial product development Industry partners can identify themselves as proactive participants in developing the coordinated infrastructures Opportunity for industry to host/integrate their equipment and skills within the technology infrastructures (if required) Identify and access new high-value markets outside of the national laboratories Identify and remove/reduce barriers to engagement Should be driven by industry’s demands

4 Task 4.1 Innovation – Accelerator Technologies
Anthony Gleeson, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK

5 Task WP4.1 Industry Survey – Accelerator Technologies “…to assist innovative European commercial organisations in identifying and successfully exploiting broader societal market opportunities for mature Accelerator technologies.” A survey will assess the technical capabilities of each participating organisation in the identified Accelerator technology areas, looking at their equipment, skills and capacity to deliver, as well as their appetite for commercial innovation based on past history and current attitude to risk. In addition the survey will provide insight into the domains of societal applications and potential market sizes beyond Research Infrastructures. Output A report identifying specific domains of societal applications and European commercial organisations that have the current capability, and future potential, to innovate and develop solutions in the fields of mature Accelerator technologies through the use of Technology Infrastructures will be delivered at the end of the project (month 30).

6 Feedback from 2017 AMICI Industry Event
Remain focused on the industrial objective to optimise costs-performance- planning. (Some) competitors comfortable working together so long as boundaries are clearly defined (e.g. IP). Flexibility/adaptability. One solution does not fit all. Industry wants to actively input into questionnaires before sending out. Anonymised data. Companies generally happy to have their name associated with survey collection. Some information is in the public domain – happy to have this circulated. Other information is business critical. Contributors should be able to review the output report to check sensitivities.

7 Feedback (continued) Understand technology trends. Technology roadmaps are seen as a way of promoting effective collaboration. Steer away from product developments. Highlights the need for different levels of information to attract different levels of customer maturity. Who? What? How? – define the AMICI offering in simple terms Need more information to enable informed choices Big labs run on project basis. Societal application will be more naturally driven by industrial partners. AMICI could help identify trends?


9 Search for ‘Contracts Finder’ and enter ‘AMICI’

10 WP4.1 – Milestones and Deliverables
M4.1: 3rd Party selected for survey on accelerator technologies (M15) M4.4: Survey on accelerator technologies received from 3rd party (M27) D4.1: Report on accelerator market study (M30)

11 Task 4.2 Innovation – Magnet Technologies
Pierre Vedrine, CEA Paris Saclay, FR

12 Task WP4.1 Industry Survey – Magnet Technologies
“..Survey a broad range of European commercial organizations, including both large companies and SMEs, to establish their current capability, and future potential, to innovate and develop technology solutions in the field of mature Magnet technologies and identify domains of societal applications and potential markets beyond Research Infrastructures… For instance, the work done in the Working Group FuSuMatech to examine the synergies between industrial areas of MRI, NMR as well as other relevant applications and HL-LHC and FCC (Future Circular Collider) investments in the superconducting magnets technologies will be used. Output A report identifying European commercial organizations that have the current capability, and future potential, to innovate and develop solutions in the fields of mature Magnet technologies will be delivered at the end of the project. The report will also identify domains of societal applications and potential markets beyond Research Infrastructures in this area of technology.

13 WP4.2 Activities Using sources such as TIARA, FCC output, ILOs, RIs, identify a list of companies to survey Done Solicit ideas for potential societal applications from TIARA output, ILOs, RIs. Ongoing Perform survey of industry and provide an analysis of their findings : Their technical capabilities in identified technology areas- equipment/skills/capacity/network, Their appetite for commercial innovation -past history/attitude to risk, Their ideas regarding potential market opportunities for societal applications Specific questions for magnet technologies inserted in WP4.3 survey, ready to launch with invitation letter Review existing reports of societal applications by research bodies, including: TIARA and ARIES output EUCARD2 Applications for Particle Accelerators in Europe Fusumatech (Future Superconducting Magnet Technology) US Magnet Development Plan 2016 Reports have been collected and extraction of potential applications started.

14 Survey


16 State of Art, Next Steps and Discussion
WP 4.3 State of Art, Next Steps and Discussion Andrea Liedl, David Alesini (INFN-LNF, Frascati, Italy) AMICI First Annual Meeting Uppsala, Feb. 2018

17 Good practices and barriers to engagement between industry and TIs
WP 4.3 GOAL Good practices and barriers to engagement between industry and TIs Survey for Industry Feedbacks from: Thales Communications and Security Oxford Instruments ELYTT ENERGY OCEM Power Electronics CECOM Apr’17: AMICI Industrial Partner Meeting Jul ’17: Industrial Survey First Draft Oct-Nov’17: Revision and Approval by Industries Jan ’18: Survey Integration by WP 4.2 2018 Next Steps Feb ’18: Survey Sending after AMICI annual meeting Jul ’18: Initial Analysis of received answers Sep ’18: Individual Industry interview/discussion (in loco, skype meeting…) M4.3: Initial analysis of acquired data on good practices and identification of actions (M26-Feb ‘19) – i.e. Survey preliminary Report D4.3: Report on best practice collaboration between industry and technology (M30-Jun ‘19) – i.e. Final Report

18 Survey for Industry Structure
Part 1 – Industry General Information (10 questions) Part 2 – Collaboration: Description, Results, Agreement (17) Part 3 – Access to Technological Facility of Research Institutes (11) Part 4 – Participation to Tenders and/or National/European funding Calls (14) Part 5 – The collaboration I wish! (6) + WP 4.2 Part 6 – The magnet technology market I wish! (9) Total Questions 58+9 Only for Partner on Magnet Field


20 AMICI European Industries Sending List
2 1 14 22 4 5 6 Survey Would like to be in the sending list?? Please, fill the contact list with your info. Thank you!

21 This is the work done!!...What can we discuss now??
Open Questions Concerning the Survey: There are some items to be deeply investigated or not debated? Concerning the Survey: Is the Presentation Letter, prepared by WP 4.2, ok? Training Question ( WP 5.1): Additional Part 7 regarding «Training». Unique Survey? 1V1 Interview? There are more useful way to have detailed and personal analysis Goal Carry out feelings about new tools for more effective engagements, IP sharing, Patentig rules -> Practical Proposals

22 Intellectual Property
Accelerator-Industry Co-Innovation Workshop Brussels 6-7 Feb Intellectual Property Share License Licensing Strategy according to Research Institute/Universities Burocracy Time Waste Innovative Tender-Funding Tools e.g PreCommercial Procurement (PCP) Discussion Panel Hot Points

23 CERN progress in 2017 Interviews with (most) group leaders in ATS
14 complete 3 pending Questionnaire summary How do you currently interact with industry? (Procurement, KT, networking, EU projects, etc.) How does your group benefit from working with industry, and vice versa? What are the core competencies (expertise, designs, inventions, materials, facilities, etc.) within your group that may be of value to companies operating outside of CERN/accelerator physics research? What do you perceive to be the main barriers to applying these competencies in industry and/or society? Do you, and/or have you previously, collaborate(d) with any other groups at CERN in the development of these competencies? How could this exercise be most useful for you?

24 Key findings so far CERN’s story is one of EXTREMES, e.g… extreme cold
extreme power extreme speed / timing extreme precision extreme reliability extreme scale / quantities (e.g. data) In short, if a company has a technical problem which seems extreme in its parameters, it’s very possible that we have something relevant to contribute. A LOT of KT happens through procurement activity. Most group leaders would like to do more innovation but they perceive an inability to identify what might be useful for industry as a key barrier to achieving this. A list of CERN facilities relevant for industry is available here:

25 Thank you for your attention.

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