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by André-Marie Taptué Université Laval Conchita D’Ambrosio

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1 Comparing the size of the middle class using the alienation component of polarization
by André-Marie Taptué Université Laval Conchita D’Ambrosio Université du Luxembourg

2 The paper is very interesting, the topic is very relevant, the empirical findings offer a picture of the middle-classes in several countries in 2004.

3 AIM as presented by André-Marie:
The paper proposes a modification of the DER/ER index of polarization to compare the size of the middle class. This index accounts only for the alienation component and not for the identification component. Nonetheless this index is not a measures of inequality. Statistical inference and test dominance between pairs of distributions are implemented. The index is applied to 22 LIS countries.

4 AIM as I would have presented it:
The paper proposes a modification of the Wang and Tsui index of polarization by introducing a threshold under which distances from the median income are not considered. Statistical inference and test dominance between pairs of distributions are implemented. The index is applied to 22 LIS countries.

5 What I say is somewhere in the text of André-Marie but it is hidden in the lines written on DER/ER for a passion for DER/ER. The abandoning of DER/ER would make the theoretical contribution neater, would simplify the analysis and would make it easier for the non-expert reader to appreciate its value.

6 Polarization There are two distinct approaches to its measurement: DER/ER and FW. One cannot be obtained from the other. DER/ER contributions are very nicely written, ER (1994) has a wonderful introduction and contains the original idea. W (1994) (later FW) is more dry, with technical steps. The axiomatization and generalization of W is due to WT (2000).

7 Polarization: the Esteban and Ray Approach
Each individual feels alienated from others located at different points of the income scale: if there is more than one individual with the same income level:

8 Polarization: the ER Approach
Each individual identifies with people having the same income, identification/alienation gives rise to effective alienation: Polarization, in the whole society, is the sum of these sentiments of effective alienation:

9 The Esteban-Ray (absolute) measure The Duclos-Esteban-Ray measure
Polarization: the ER Approach Each individual identifies with people having the same income, identification/alienation gives rise to effective alienation: Polarization, in the whole society, is the sum of these sentiments of effective alienation: The Esteban-Ray (absolute) measure The Duclos-Esteban-Ray measure

10 Class of indices by Wang and Tsui (JPET, 2000)
Polarization: the Wolfson’s approach Class of indices by Wang and Tsui (JPET, 2000)

11 Polarization: the Wolfson’s approach

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