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Asset declarations in Ukraine: from pdf to machine readable

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Presentation on theme: "Asset declarations in Ukraine: from pdf to machine readable"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asset declarations in Ukraine: from pdf to machine readable

2 Purposes of officials’ assets declaring
to avoid conflict of interests to prevent illicit enrichment

3 Why turn pdf to machine readable data?
to make quick requests to see changes in accounts and property to compare and make top-lists

4 “Declarations” mobile app

5    ??? copyable text pdf scrappers and parsers image of typed text
OCR programs handwritten text ???


7 Using volunteers help create database of people willing to help
divide volunteers into independent groups give the different groups same tasks compare the results of each group

8 Dealing with differences
for not so big datasets: human recheck for large datasets: choosing the most frequent variant

9 Some tips on working with volunteers
keep the form for data input entering as simple as possible use “choose from a list” option when possible provide volunteers with detailed and simple instructions on format keep main group and check group independent

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