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Create Database and Start Server

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1 Create Database and Start Server
4 Create Database and Start Server

2 Create Database OK so we have thought about the device or devices – about time we considered some of the options to create the database Of all of the options when issuing a CREATE DATABASE command the following slides details the most important February 22, 2019

3 Sub Clauses in Create Database
[ CASE { RESPECT | IGNORE } ] [ PAGE SIZE ] [ COLLATION ] [ BLANK PADDING { ON | OFF } ] [ IQ PAGE SIZE iq-page-size ] [ BLOCK SIZE iq-block-size ] February 22, 2019

4 CASE CASE Implications to FP Indexes (we will talk on this later)
CASE RESPECT is the fastest There is a 10-20% hit going to CASE IGNORE Implications to FP Indexes (we will talk on this later) Regardless of RESPECT vs. IGNORE all 1-byte and 2-byte FP indexes store all the binary values for the data So ABC, abc, Abc, Abc are all stored even for CASE IGNORE February 22, 2019

5 PAGE SIZE This is the size of page in the IQ Catalog Store
This is the ASA page size According to the Manual and Sybase Central sizes are 1024, 2048 and 4096 But this will restrict the number of columns in a table Actually ASA 7 supports 8192,16384 and 32768 32K will give 8,000 columns per table February 22, 2019

6 COLLATION COLLATION Set to ISO_BINENG, this is the fastest
If you must have a collation sequence this will slow the system down by around 10% for 8 bit character sets and 50% for multi-byte character sets There are substantial slow downs for all multi-byte character sets February 22, 2019

7 IQ PAGE SIZE - 1 This is an area of extreme contention
The IQ PAGE size (effectively) determines the the size of the smallest addressable area in memory NOT ON DISK ! The disk parameter is the BLOCK SIZE February 22, 2019

8 IQ PAGE SIZE – 2 The rules for IQ PAGE SIZE (or memory buffer size) are simple Set to 128K unless…. Set to 256K when the memory model exceeds 4 Gbytes per cache (this may be a rare case!) If even bigger then 512K is the one to use For laptop and development server (less than 1-2 Gbytes per cache – set to 64K February 22, 2019

9 BLOCK SIZE The block size is set automatically when the IQ PAGE SIZE is set (In 11.x IQ you could set the Max Compression parameter that would vary the number of blocks per page) In IQ 12, you can vary the BLOCK SIZE but it does not do much except in some extreme cases February 22, 2019

10 (A variable length object)
So what is BLOCK SIZE? Memory Cache Disk Device A Page When a “page” is written out of memory it is compressed. Only the resulting used “blocks” within the page are written to disk, this set of blocks is called a “chunk” A Chunk (A variable length object) February 22, 2019

11 Writing to Disk Compressor Default Page in memory 64Kb – 16 Blocks
10 Blocks used before compression Compress before Disk Write Operation Compressor 4 blocks used after compression Disk Write 1 Chunk on Disk the size of 4 blocks - 16kbytes February 22, 2019

12 Disk_Striping_Packed
The problem with large systems is that we only have 1 free list This means that if we want 8 blocks of space we will grab the first > 7 block space we can find, which tends to fragment the devices If Disk_Striping_Packed is ON then we have one free list for each “number of blocks” available 1 for 1 block free 1 for 2 blocks free Etc. The trade-off is better space usage against slightly worse localisation. February 22, 2019

13 File Placement Use relative links – makes it easier to relocate files
Use symbolic links for IQ MAIN and IQ TEMP /IQM_devs/IQ_MAIN_00 /IQM_devs/IQ_TEMP_00 Place the transaction log and transaction log mirror on significantly large file system Recommend 5 GB of filesystem space per IQ node for database related storage Transaction logs, IQ MSG, scripts, catalog file, etc February 22, 2019

14 Files Locations Filename rules Catalog: DATABASE_NAME.db
Transaction log: DATABASE_NAME.log IQ MSG: DATABASE_NAME.iqmsg IQ Main Store: DATABASE_NAME_iqmain_000 000 would be an incrementing number IQ Temp Store: DATABASE_NAME_iqtmp_000 IQ Configuration File: params.cfg (default) February 22, 2019

15 Top Level Directory Use for writer and readers (multi-node configuration) to communicate IQ and earlier Must be shared across all hosts Generally done via NFS, but some customers use cluster based filesystems (Veritas Cluster Manager) IQ 12.5 No longer a shared filesystem! Should be local filesystem on each host that is protected accordingly The name and path can be unique for each node No need for NFS or cluster based filesystems February 22, 2019

16 BLOCKS So as can be seen the IO operation is performed in blocks
but how many are written at one time depends upon The usage (how much of the page is used) The Compressibility (how well the used blocks compress) We have found the default works the best That is for a 64K page 16 blocks of 4k February 22, 2019

17 Block Size The compressor is designed to run in 2Kbyte chunks so
Never make the block size less than 2Kbyte Always make is a multiple of 2Kbyte The compressor does not have a huge amount of memory to run in so the max. for Block Size is 32K February 22, 2019

18 Start Server There are a huge number of switches that can be set to start up an IQ server In this section I will concentrate on those that affect performance Memory Allocation Cache Sizes Thread Processing Priority Multiplex February 22, 2019

19 Memory We will talk later about memory inside IQ but…
During Server Startup you can influence The Cache Sizes (Main and Temp) The ASA Cache (Max, Min and “Startup”) Overall Memory February 22, 2019

20 Cache Memory -iqmc – set the Main Cache -iqtc – sets the Temp Cache
Option – Main_Cache_Memory_MB -iqtc – sets the Temp Cache Option – Temp_Cache_Memory_MB The limits or rules on these we discuss further later on February 22, 2019

21 ASA Memory - 1 We can set the ASA cache sizes
This is the memory that the .db (database) file is allocated This should be larger than the .db size We do not want to page the .db file The Catalog Store is read for every query (sometimes more than once) February 22, 2019

22 ASA Memory - 2 There are 4 start-up parameters that control the size of the memory to be used for this cache -c suggested size of cache -cl lower bound (min. allocated memory) NT -ch Hard upper bound (max. memory to be allocated) NT -ca 0 enforces static cache NT It is suggested that –c is set to at least twice the size of the .db Catalog Store File February 22, 2019

23 Other Memory Stack Size – for complex queries increase –iqtss (default is 200KB) – remember there is one stack per thread… -gm num – # of “connections” to the server – should be set to the number of expected user -gp size – Max size (in memory) of the catalog store page, required if ASA page of greater than 1024 is specified in CREATE DATABASE -iqsmem size – (TRU64, HP and AIX) shared memory pool -iqwmem size – (Tru64, HP and Solaris) wired memory February 22, 2019

24 Threads -gn num - # of “execution” threads – one thread per user (except java) -iqgovern num – maximum number of “concurrent” queries to execute on the Server Not really terribly useful, but can prevent memory thrashing and thread exhaustion -iqmt num – max. # of threads created at IQ startup time Default – 60*CPU+2*(connections+1) For faster CPUs increase this – slower decrease February 22, 2019

25 NT “nice” In UNIX you can affect the priority of a task using the nice command Under NT the same is true using the Task Manager Or on NT you can start the server with the –gb level command Idle not recommended Normal High Maximum not recommended February 22, 2019

26 Multiplex Start-up -iqmpx_r Start as READER node
-iqmpx_w Start as WRITER node -iqmpx_sr Start as STRICT READER node (N/A for 12.5) -iqmpx_ov 1 Start as WRITER in OVERRIDE mode February 22, 2019

27 TCP/IP Ports When configuring a TCP/IP port for IQ to listen on, use something other than the default of 2638 ASA and IQ use port 2638 as a broadcast listener Multiple servers on the same host share the default port for broadcast listening, but not for client network traffic Broadcast listening takes precedence over client network traffic as it is the first port started Easier and safer to assume that 2638 is in use already by ASA/IQ and to use another port for client network traffic Many things must be considered if an IQ server is to use port 2638 for client network traffic on a host with more than one IQ server (server start order, multiplex synchronization, etc) February 22, 2019

28 Network Connectivity Different internal environments and settings for ODBC, JDBC, and Open Client connections JDBC and ODBC are recommended JConnect is Sybase’s implementation of JDBC Use the JDBC 2 driver (JConnect 5.2/5.5) com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver Open Client Use with caution Most applications written using Open Client expect an ASE server February 22, 2019

29 Open Client vs. ODBC - 1 See Chapter 32 of the ASA Users Manual as well as the ASA Reference Section “Transact-SQL and SQL/92 compatibility options” for complete list of differences If writing stored procedures or embedded application code, make sure to explicitly make settings for compatibility as these options will get set to different values for Open Client vs. ODBC connections ALLOW_NULLS_BY_DEFAULT QUOTED_IDENTIFIER STRING_RTRUNCATION ANSI_BLANKS ANSINULL CHAINDED FLOAT_AS_DOUBLE February 22, 2019

30 Open Client vs. ODBC - 2 ODBC and JDBC connectivity support all IQ datatypes Open Client does not support all IQ datatypes Unsigned integer Depending on version of Open Client, bigint and unsigned bigint should be OK (OC 12.5 and later) February 22, 2019

31 Client Access AutoPreCommit Within ODBC Packet Sizes
Set registry setting AutoPreCommit to Y Forces applications to issue a COMMIT before each query Go to the registry and update the corresponding Sybase Data Source Name (DSN) created, by adding a new value 'AutoPreCommit’ with a value of ‘Y' HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ODBC/ODBC.INI/{DSN} Packet Sizes Larger packet sizes will help with large data retrieval Use –p option in IQ configuration file to increase size Use CommBufferSize parameter in ODBC connection string February 22, 2019

32 Network Connectivity Network Speed Network Interface Cards
Data retrieval will be as fast as the network 100 MB of data will take 80 seconds on a 10 Mbit LAN 100 MB of data will take 8 seconds on a 100 Mbit LAN 100 MB of data will take 0.8 seconds on a Gigabit LAN LAN speed may be the performance bottleneck for queries that return large amounts of data The faster the network cards and LAN the better off concurrency will be: more available bandwidth per user Network Interface Cards Adding multiple network cards to the IQ node will help with network February 22, 2019

33 Client Access and Connectivity
ASE Component Integration Services (CIS) Can have ASE CIS reference IQ tables (proxy tables) Use ASE 12.5 CIS class of ASIQ Prior to ASE 12.5 ASAnywhere or ASEnterprise classes had to be used Not a viable option if joining non-IQ tables with an IQ proxy table Can map multiple ASE logins to a single IQ login Data modifications should not be performed on proxy tables Can map ASE proxy tables to stored procedure calls in IQ February 22, 2019

34 Client Access IQ Component Integration Services (CIS)
Can only be used on the Solaris and WinNT versions of IQ (12.4.3) All platforms support CIS with IQ 12.5 Can map to tables in Oracle (ODBC), ASE (ODBC & JDBC), ASA (ODBC & JDBC), DB2 (ODBC), MS SQL Server (ODBC), and any ODBC source Not a viable option if joining IQ tables with non-IQ proxy tables Data modifications may be performed on proxy tables February 22, 2019

35 Create and Start - End February 22, 2019

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