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Volcanoes Earth Quakes Layers of Plate Boundaries Rocks

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes Earth Quakes Layers of Plate Boundaries Rocks"— Presentation transcript:

1 10 20 30 40 50 Volcanoes Earth Quakes Layers of Plate Boundaries Rocks
Miscellaneous 10 20 30 40 50

2 This volcano has a gentle slope, what is the name of this volcano?
Answer: Shield 1

3 This determines the type of eruption that a volcano has
Answer: Magma or Lava 2

4 This type of volcano is made up of many layers of cinder and lava
Answer: Composite 1

5 The magma from shield volcanoes is rich in which elements?
Answer: Magnesium and Iron 2

6 This type of volcano is caused by amounts of gas trapped in magma, creating violent eruptions
Answer: Cinder 1

7 The minimum number of seismograph stations needed to locate an epicenter is?
Answer: 3 1

8 S waves are this type of wave
Answer: Transverse 1

9 This type of wave causes the most damage during and earthquake
Answer: Surface Wave, or L Wave

10 P waves are this type of wave
Answer: Longitudinal

11 This type of seismic wave travels the slowest
Answer: Surface waves, L Wave

12 Continental Crust is thickest beneath these?
Answer: Mountains 2

13 80 % of the Earths layer is made up of this layer
Answer: Mantle

14 One hypothesis states that plates move because of convection currents in this layer, what is the layer called? Answer: Mantle

15 This type of crust is thinner and more dense than continental crust, what is the name of the crust?
Answer: Oceanic 1

16 The lithosphere is composed of the upper mantle and this layer, what is the name of this layer?
Answer: Crust 1

17 A boundary where 2 plates move apart is known as?
Answer: Divergent Boundary 1

18 Answer: Subduction Zone
A boundary where oceanic crust dives beneath continental crust is known as? Answer: Subduction Zone

19 Trenches are formed at this type of boundary
Answer: Convergent/ Subduction Zone 1

20 The ring of fire is found among these types of boundaries
Answer: Convergent/ Subduction Zones 1

21 Rift Valleys form along this type of boundary
Answer: Divergent Boundary 1

22 This type of rock is formed from weathering
Answer: Sedimentary 1

23 This process forms igneous rocks
Answer: Cooling 1

24 The only type of rock fossils are found in this type of rock
Answer: Sedimentary 1

25 These contain pieces of rocks, glass and inorganic matter
Answer: Minerals 1

26 Heat and pressure form this type of rock
Answer: Metamorphic 1

27 One of the 2 elements found in the outer core
Answer: Iron & Nickel 2

28 Who was the scientist who noticed that the continents fit together like a puzzle
Answer: Alfred Wegner 2

29 Broken pieces of earths crust is known as what?
Answer: Plates 1

30 Answer: Convection Currents
Process the asthenosphere that causes the plates to move is known as what? Answer: Convection Currents 1

31 Openings in volcanoes where the magma escapes is known as what?
Answer: Vents 2

32 20 40 60 80 100 Cloud Formation Severe Weather Fronts Weather forecast
Weather w/ clouds Definitions 20 40 60 80 100

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