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CONTENT Basic socio-demographic indicators
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status ( ) Risk behaviors (2006) Vulnerability and HIV knowledge ( ) HIV Expenditure National Response ( ) Archives
Total population (thousands) 708.5 (2010) 1 Annual population growth rate 1.7% ( ) 1 Population aged (thousands) 411 (2010) 2 Percentage of population in urban areas 35% (2010) 3 Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population) 21.1 (2009) 4 Under 5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 81 (2008) 5 Human Development Index (HDI)/Value 132/0.619 (2007) 6 Life expectancy at birth 65.7 (2007) 6 Adult literacy rate 52.8% (2007) 6 Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%) 100 (2009) 7 GDP per capita (PPP, US$) 4,837 (2007) 6 Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$) 188 (2007) 5 Sources: 1. UN Statistics Division. (2010). Demographic and Social Statistics. Retrieved 10 January 2011, from 2. UN Population Division. (2011). World Population Prospects, the 2010 Revision. Retrieved 10 January 2011, from UNFPA. (2010). State of World Population World Bank. World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance. Retrieved 10 January 2011, from WHO. (2010). World Health Statistics UNDP. (2010). Human Development Report World Bank. World Development Indicators: Ratio of Girls to Boys in Primary and Secondary Education (%). Retrieved 10 Jan 2011, from
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV, new infections and AIDS deaths, 1990-2009
Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic.
Estimated number of adults (15+) living with HIV vs female (15+) living with HIV, 1990-2009
Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic.
% distribution of adults (15+) living with HIV by gender, 1999-2009
Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic.
Estimated adult HIV prevalence vs new HIV infections, 1990-2009
Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2010). Global Report: UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic.
Number and % distribution of cumulative HIV infections by mode of transmission, July 2010
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. An update on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - (July 1, 2010). Thimphu: Bhutan.
Number of cumulative HIV infections by age group and gender, July 2010
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. An update on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - (July 1, 2010). Thimphu: Bhutan.
% distribution of cumulative HIV infections by age group and gender, July 2010
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. An update on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - (July 1, 2010). Thimphu: Bhutan.
Number of cumulative HIV infections and deaths by age group, July 2010
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. An update on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - (July 1, 2010). Thimphu: Bhutan.
Number of cumulative HIV infections and deaths by age group and gender, July 2010
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. An update on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - (July 1, 2010). Thimphu: Bhutan.
Number of new HIV infections by age group and gender, December 2009 - June 2010
Source: Prepared by based on Ministry of Health. An update on Human Immuno Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) - (July 1, 2010). Thimphu: Bhutan.
HIV and Hepatitis-C prevalence among IDUs, 2006
This study was conducted among IDUs along the border with Indian state of West Bengal. Source: Prepared by based on Sarkar K, Bal B, Mukherjee R, et al. (2006). Epidemic of HIV Coupled with Hepatitis C Virus among Injecting Drug Users of Himalayan West Bengal, Eastern India, Bordering Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. Subst Use Misuse, 41(3),
Risk behaviours
% of surveyed population reporting extramarital and premarital sex in the past 12 months, 2006
Source: Prepared by based on General Population Survey (GPS), 2006 cited in World Bank. (2008). HIV/AIDS in Bhutan.
% of surveyed population reporting the use of a condom with extramarital and premarital partners in the past 12 months, 2006 Source: Prepared by based on General Population Survey (GPS), 2006 cited in World Bank. (2008). HIV/AIDS in Bhutan.
% of IDUs with high-risk behaviors, 2006
Source: Prepared by based on Sarkar K, Bal B, Mukherjee R, et al. (2006). Epidemic of HIV Coupled with Hepatitis C Virus among Injecting Drug Users of Himalayan West Bengal, Eastern India, Bordering Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. Subst Use Misuse, 41(3),
Vulnerability and HIV knowledge
% of young people with misconceptions on HIV transmission and treatment, 2006
Source: Prepared by based on WHO. (2006). Fact Sheet on Young People and HIV/AIDS in Bhutan.
% of young females 15-24 yr with comprehensive knowledge, 2000
Comprehensive knowledge of HIV&AIDS: Percentage of people who both correctly identify ways of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV and who reject major misconceptions (UNGASS definition) Source: Prepared by based on European Union, WHO, UNICEF, et al. (2006). Bhutan: Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Update.
HIV Expenditure
National response
Status of health facilities providing VCCT service and number of people (15+) tested for HIV in the past 12 months, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010.
% of pregnant women counseled and tested for HIV, 2007
Total 2,244 pregnant women were counseled and tested for HIV Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2008). Towards Universal Access: Scaling Up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector-Progress Report 2008.
% of pregnant women 15-49 yr with access to antenatal care, 1997-2005
In Bhutan Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is 420* per 100,000 live births (WHO, World Health Report, 2006). Life-time risk of maternal death is 1* out of every 37 women (UNICEF, The State of the World’s Children, 2006) * Based on year This is the most recent data available. Source: Prepared by based on European Union, WHO, UNICEF, et al. (2006). Bhutan: Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections Update.
Status of health facilities providing ANC, VCCT and PMTCT services and their uptake, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010.
Number of HIV infected pregnant women needing ARVs for PMTCT and status of maternal and infant PMTCT coverage, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010.
Status of health facilities providing ART and number of adults and children who received ART by gender, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010.
Number of adults and children who are in need of ART and % of ART coverage, 2008
Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010.
Estimated number of children (<15 yr) needing ART, reported number of children receiving ART and % ART coverage, 2008 Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2010). Towards Universal Access Scaling up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector - Progress Report 2010.
Number of adults and children with advanced HIV infection who are in need and who received ART, 2007
Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2008). Towards Universal Access: Scaling Up Priority HIV/AIDS Interventions in the Health Sector-Progress Report 2008.
HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
Estimated number of people living with HIV, 2007
Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS. (2006) Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic. and WHO, UNAIDS, & UNICEF. (2008). Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS Bhutan 2008 Update.
Reported HIV cases, 1993- March 2008
Total 144 cases of HIV infection have been reported. Source: Prepared by based on HIV/STI/AIDS Program, Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan, 2008.
Mode of HIV transmission for reported cases, 1993- March 2008
Source: Prepared by based on HIV/STI/AIDS Program, Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan, 2008.
Estimated number of people died of AIDS, 2002-2006
Year Sub-group Number 2002 Total 7 2003 <100 2005 2006 22 Source: Prepared by based on Bhutan Millennium Development Progress Development Report, 2006 and UNAIDS Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2006.
Risk behaviours
% of surveyed population reporting extramarital and premarital sex in the past 12 months, 2006
Note: Age of these population groups is not provided in the source. Source: Prepared by based on General Population Survey (GPS), 2006 cited in World Bank. (2008). HIV/AIDS in Bhutan.
% of general population reporting the use of a condom with extramarital and premarital partners in the past 12 months, 2006 Note: Age of these population groups is not provided in the source. Source: Prepared by based on General Population Survey (GPS), 2006 cited in World Bank. (2008). HIV/AIDS in Bhutan.
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