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Argumentation & Evaluation Guide

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1 Argumentation & Evaluation Guide
GFCF Diet and Autism Science disputes autism’s diet link Hayley Mick – Toronto Globe and Mail Travis Wallace January 19, 2009 Topic__________________________________________________ Title___________________________________________________ Source_________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Class: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ 1 What is the Claim, including any Qualifiers? Are there qualifiers? Yes/No. (If yes, underline them.) A gluten-free, casein-free diet may reduce the neurological effects of autism. What chain of reasoning (warrant) connects the evidence to the claim? In column 6, identify type of reasoning with the letter(s): for AUTHORITY (A), THEORY (T), or type of LOGIC: Analogy (AN), Correlation (C), Cause-Effect (CE), Generalization (G) 2 What Evidence is presented? In column 3, identify the type of evidence with the letter: Data (D), Fact (F), Opinion (O), Theory (T). 3 5 6 Adam and Alex’s behavior improved within weeks of starting a GFCF diet Undigested bits of protein are absorbed into the body, possibly causing symptoms of Autism Only one trial has been held for GFCF diet, and experimental group saw no improvement Research suggests up to 40% of children with autism can benefit from a change in diet O T D Based on the authority of doctors and pediatricians and the theory that undigested protein can affect neurological function, a correlation is established between a GFCF diet and fewer behaviors associated with autism. A T C 4 Evaluate the quality of the evidence as poor, average or good. Explain your evaluation. 7 Evaluate the quality of the chain of reasoning as poor, average or good. Explain your evaluation. Strength of Authority Application of Theory Type of Logic Reliable Poor – many counterarguments and rebuttals Good – establishes link between diet and brain Poor – doctors warn of placebo effect Average – no description of studies Average – doctors disagree Good – protein and brain function Average – more research needed to establish a correlation Valid Objective (no bias) Controlled Experiment 8 What are your concerns about the believability of the claim? (your counterarguments, rebuttals or new questions)? Doctors warn of placebo effect for hopeful parents. There is insufficient scientific research to date. 9 Accept, reject, or withhold judgment about the claim. Explain your judgment. Withhold judgment until further research can be conducted. There is compelling evidence that a GFCF diet can reduce brain functions associated with autism, but more studies are needed. C Bulgren revised 10/1//2008

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