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S&D: You’re the boss! Imagine you are going to open up your own restaurant. List 10-15 things and/or people that you will need in order to be ready for.

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Presentation on theme: "S&D: You’re the boss! Imagine you are going to open up your own restaurant. List 10-15 things and/or people that you will need in order to be ready for."— Presentation transcript:

1 S&D: You’re the boss! Imagine you are going to open up your own restaurant. List things and/or people that you will need in order to be ready for opening day.

2 Fixed Cost: things you have to pay for, regardless of output (production)
Building Insurances AKA overhead (costs you can’t change)

3 Variable Cost: changes w/output
Food Labor Fold a blanket Marginal Product: extra product produced w/each add’l worker Law of diminishing returns: At a certain point, stops making sense to hire more people

4 Marginal Cost: cost to produce an add’l item
To produce two pasta dinners instead of one – what will you need to buy?

5 Total Costs = Fixed + Variable
Fixed costs for you: Variable costs:

6 How do you maximize profit?
Produce as much as you can while still keeping costs low Sometimes, it’s best to shut down the business

7 Should your restaurant stay open 24 hours a day
Should your restaurant stay open 24 hours a day? Or only be open for dinners? Revenue must cover variable costs (ignore fixed costs since they will remain the same) So, if your restaurant… Sells $150 worth of food from midnight to 6 am Food costs $50 Need 2 servers who cost $10/hour – should you remain open?

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