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AIM: Why was the Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: Why was the Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: Why was the Monroe Doctrine issued in 1823?

2 “Era of Good Feelings” 1815-1825
Fueled by post-War of 1812 nationalism in the United States President James Monroe ( )

3 Revolution and War in Latin America
Describe the type of events that are occurring in Latin America during this time. How do you think these events will impact the United States?

4 Monroe Doctrine Excerpt Questions:
What type of statement is Monroe making with regard to European actions in the Americas? What did Monroe say would be U.S. policy with regard to Europe? Do you think it was appropriate to make this declaration? Explain.

5 “A Live Wire”

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