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Revision using E Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision using E Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision using E Resources.




5 Time Management. Use timers. Use FOREST pomodoro app. Marinara Timer.
Pomotodo. Use a revision timetable planner.

6 Distraction Blockers. Leave your phone in another room.
Turn off all notifications. Cold Turkey Blocker (can’t be bypassed). Stay Focusd Chrome Extension. Freedom (works on your phone too but costs). Use pomodoro technique. Get help from your Family.

7 Watch out for Legacy Specifications.
What Works! Websites that keep you active. You tube videos with explanations. Past Paper style questions. Model answers and mark schemes. Watch out for Legacy Specifications.

8 Memrise - vocabulary learning app, free to register and you can compete with friends
Duolingo - vocabulary and grammar learning app, free to register and you can compete with friends BBC Bitesize - recently revamped, lots of videos, exercises, key information, and grammar practice Lightbulb languages - KS4 specific grammar and vocabulary information and practice - online dictionary with verb conjugator and language forums

9 revision/
revision/science 2hv revision/ organise-gcse-science-revision-folder/

10 GCSE Maths Takeaway Corbett Maths My Maths You Tube PIXL Times Table App Maths Made Easy

11 More General Use. The Pixl Apps for Geography and History.
SAM Learning You Tube PIXL Apps for Subjects BBC Bitesize Kahoot for mini tests

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