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SHMS E.O.Y. UPDATE Presentation to the Board of Education

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Presentation on theme: "SHMS E.O.Y. UPDATE Presentation to the Board of Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-2018 SHMS E.O.Y. UPDATE Presentation to the Board of Education
Joshua Whitham Richard Crawford May 24, 2018

2 Goals

3 Where We Began: Our Goals
Goal 1 – Social Emotional Learning: SHMS staff will be trained in the development and use of the School Charter and Mood Meter in accordance with year one implementation of RULER; a program partnership with the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Goal 2 – Curriculum & Instruction: SHMS Staff will collaborate in vertical teams to compile curriculum maps, assessment tasks and evaluation methods to initiate an evaluation using the lens of previously identified areas of focus. Goal 3 – Leadership: Identify and assess the  effectiveness of the systems, structures, and programs currently in place at SHMS utilizing a collaborative process.

4 Testing Phenomenon Refusal Rate: ELA 177 Students (29.4%)
Math 222 Students (36.88%) Both 156 Students (25.91%)

5 Opportunities for Growth
Curriculum meeting the needs of all learners RTI, enrichment, course offerings Schedule Allocation of Resources How teacher time is used Transition Plans Effective communication strategies School-wide norms to support a safe and positive school culture Social and emotional well-being of staff and students

6 New Schedule

7 That which will continue to define us...
At SHMS, we strive to cultivate all of our students into highly literate readers, writers, and thinkers to meet the challenges of a global and technological society. We acknowledge that our students can only thrive if they are in an environment that supports all ability levels and learning styles, maintains high standards, enhances self-esteem as they journey through adolescence, remains dedicated to developing emotional intelligence, and provides a broad range of educational experiences both in and out of the traditional classroom setting.   SHMS believes that students learn best when they are actively engaged in and surrounded by learning experiences. Collaborative partnerships between the home, school, and community provide a safe and structured environment where consistent high expectations are set, and students take ownership and accountability for their learning by developing strategies to engage in self-assessment.  At SHMS, academic rigor is an on-going learning process of problem solving and discovery, setting high expectations for all. It fosters critical and analytical thinking by questioning and challenging what is said, heard, read, or viewed. It empowers learners to take risks by engaging in relevant and meaningful experiences that have real-world applications. By making learning accessible to all, rigor cultivates independent thinkers on a quest for learning. SHMS recognizes learning to be a social process that must also be FUN! 

8 Questions?

9 SHHS Goals Report Presentation to the Board of Education
Dr. Tracy Smith, Principal Mr. Tony Baxter, Assistant Principal May 24, 2018

10 Sleepy Hollow High School Goals Recap
Early identification of students with potential for acceleration Successful implementation of 3-in-2 Acceleration Program at the High School level This program has granted more access for students to accelerate at various phases of their high school careers Next school year students will sit for the most demanding Regents Exam, Algebra II and simultaneously complete Pre-Calculus Currently there are 26 students enrolled in Geometry Honors. Eighteen (of the 26) are 9th graders, who were identified in 8th grade for a unique acceleration path First year of Algebra I honors at the high school level

11 Goals Recap Cont’d Examined AP and Honor Course data to identify achievement gaps Action plans were implemented to identify students with potential and develop ways to support these students. AP/Honors Summer Boot camp Fifty one students (consisting of incoming 9th graders and 10th graders who are scheduled to take an honors or AP course for the first time) were selected for this program Students will be provided early exposure to honors and AP Curriculum; learn study skills; work on Math, Science, and English; have guest speakers who are successful Honors and AP students; and participate in fun activities Partnership with EOS (Equal Opportunity Schools) to close achievement gaps, increase enrollment of students-of-color in Honors and AP courses, and to develop equity-driven course enrollment strategies

12 Goals Recap Cont’d Provide early exposure to college and career opportunities for the 9th and 10th grade and expand financial aid awareness 10th grade College Fair Financial Aid Night (offered in both Spanish and English) FAFSA Boot Camp

13 Goals Recap Cont’d Build teacher capacity and knowledge regarding updates to curriculum, revised Regents exams, and frameworks to ensure vertical alignment Professional development days and department time was allocated to learn updates and to collaborate on ways to ensure alignment Increase teacher awareness/sensitivity to engaging all learners Professional development with Dr. Thornburg- work on addressing trauma and resilience among diverse students; and building cultural competence Educate students and staff about mental health awareness Implementation of mindfulness across the curriculum and during staff development days

14 Goals Recap Cont’d Continued focus on meeting the social/emotional needs of all learners Re-establish the RTI committee to evaluate the educational plans of struggling students and identify the supports we currently provide Restructured the CST (Child Study Team) to include teacher input and participation Begin dialogue and research about an alternative high school

15 Future Goals Continue to ensure that Sleepy Hollow High School is a safe learning environment Increase student awareness/understanding of school drills (i.e. lockouts, lockdowns, etc.) Continue to raise staff awareness of safety protocols Continue to utilize the School Resource Officer as a valuable resource Continue vertical alignment and planning with Middle School to ensure strong foundation and smooth transition for all students Implementation of a Transitions Course for the School Year Freshman Orientation

16 Future Goals Cont’d Improve communication and efficiency ensuring that information is articulated in both Spanish and English Increase rigor in all content areas Increase opportunities for students-of-color to gain access to Honors and Advanced Placement Courses Continue technology integration across content areas

17 Thank you for your continued support!

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