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The Anxiety Monster Tania Stolfa LPC.

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Presentation on theme: "The Anxiety Monster Tania Stolfa LPC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Anxiety Monster Tania Stolfa LPC

2 Normal Anxiety Responding to a threatening situation
Defense or escape from something undesirable Experience of a fight, flight or freeze response Body Experiences: Increased Heart rate Increased blood pressure Increased breathing Increased muscle tension Increased sweating Possible stomachache or bathroom issues Possible nausea

3 Abnormal Anxiety Persistent symptoms that impede functioning in everyday tasks such as school, work, social functioning, and family life Anxiety that is blown out of proportion to the given situation Symptoms that create anxiety disorders and cause needs for medications



6 Adjustment Disorders Multiple Kinds
Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety Adjustment Disorder with Depression and Anxiety Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Emotions Adjustment Disorder with Mixed Emotions and Conduct Adjustment Disorders are given surrounding situational life situations

7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder GAD
Characterized by the following: Excessive, uncontrolled, irrational, worry Worry is often over everyday things such as: health, being late, homework, relationships, death, peers, family, etc. GAD may also be given when a period of adjustment to situational stressors such as divorce, grief, parental illness, child illness, etc. lasts longer than 6 months.

8 Specific Phobia Fearful, anxious, or avoidant of objects or situations
There is no extended cognitive ideation with phobias Phobias only occur when the fear object or situation occurs Fear and anxiety is often out of proportion than the actual risk posed

9 Social Anxiety Disorder
Fear or avoidance of social situations Fear of being scrutinized Fear of meeting new people Fear of performing in from in front of others The cognitive thought that is formed is one of being negatively evaluated by others, being embarrassed, rejected, or offending others.

10 Separation Anxiety Fearful or anxious about separation from attachment figures that is not developmentally appropriate Expressed fear that harm may come to attachment figures Fear that attachment figures may not come back for them Can be accompanied bey somatic symptoms and nightmares

11 What Can We Do?

12 Things You Should Say When Your Child Is Anxious
“I’m here for you; you’re safe.” “Tell me about.” “How big is your worry.” “What do you want to tell your worry?” “Can you draw it?” “Let’s change the ending.” “What other things do you know about (fill in the blank)” “Which calming strategy would you like to use?” “I’m going to take a deep breath.”

13 Continued…. “I can’t wait to hear about it…”
“What do you need from me?” “This feeling will pass” “It’s scary AND…” “I can’t wait to hear about…”

14 What Not to Say to Anxious Children
“That’s silly” “Don’t worry” “It’s not real” “There’s nothing to worry about” “It will be ok” “Nothing is going to happen” “Stop it you’re fine” “You’re too old for this”


16 Worry Monsters Take a empty Kleenex box (square or rectangle is fine), cover with colored paper, decorate, teeth are optional, egg carton eyes with googly eye centers. Have child write worries and feed it to their monster, empty monster at night when they are asleep. The premise is the monster eats all their worries away. Different variations can be found on Pinterest.

17 Worry Eaters These have the same idea as the worry monster however can be purchased on Amazon. These all have individualized names and vary in price based on size. The child feels them their worries and the you empty them at night when the child is asleep.

18 Worry Stones These are any type of smooth stones that can be kept in a child’s pocket, backpack, etc. A child fidgets or rubs the stone when they feel anxious or worried about things By having something in their hand that can keep themselves present in their current situation. These can be stones you buy at the store or simply stones you find outside!

19 Worry Dolls Materials Needed: Old Fashioned Close pins, thin yarn, pipe cleaners, markers. Wrap one color yarn around both bottom pieces separately for pants, pick as second color yarn for shirt-work in pipe cleaners for arms, then makes face and hair. These can also be purchased on Amazon as well if it is not desired to make them.

20 Interactive Worry Plaque-sold on Amazon

21 Other Resources Deep breathing Bubble breathing Stress balls Art
Swimming Fidgets Distractions


23 Questions

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