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Authors: David, Sons of Korah, Asaph, Hezekiah, Solomon, Moses, Ethan, Heman, Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra Theme: Majesty of God, Magnificence of His works, & Magnanimousness of His word. Design: Psalms produces faith, provides comfort, and praises God It is a book of poetry and of wisdom

3 OVERVIEW OF PSALMS Survey Split into 5 books (sections):
Book 1: Ch (Period of Jewish Monarchy) Book 2: Ch (Period of Divided Kingdom) Book 3: Ch (Period of Divided Kingdom) Book 4: Ch (Period of Captivity & Return) Book 5: Ch (Period of Captivity & Return) Subjects in Psalms: Theology, Anthropology, History, Psychology & Prophecy.

4 OVERVIEW OF PSALMS Lessons Learned
Most quoted O.T. book by Jesus and N.T. writers. This book helps us to understand mercy, justice, sin, redemption, forgiveness, worship, and hope. Early church used Psalms abundantly to praise in song. The Psalms takes us into the presence of God and gives insight into His majestic character. The Psalms teach us about ourselves. The Psalms put us into the Temple of God that is filled with His glory and walk us through the rooms of righteousness, revelation, and reverance.

5 His Coming Again to Judge (96-98)
OVERVIEW OF PSALMS Christ His Sonship (2:7) His Deity (45:6) His Priesthood (110:4) His Kingship (2:6) His Eternity (61:6-7) His Sovereignty (72:8) His Obedience (40:6-8) His Zeal (69:9) His Sufferings (69:4) His Holiness (45:7) His Betrayal (41:9) His Death (22:1-21) His Resurrection (16:10) His Ascension (68:18) His Coming Again to Judge (96-98)

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