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Energy Efficiency in Rehab Late 1980s – RIP Early 1990s – energy standards developed Approx 20 pages Prescriptive Lowering energy usage Controlling moisture.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Efficiency in Rehab Late 1980s – RIP Early 1990s – energy standards developed Approx 20 pages Prescriptive Lowering energy usage Controlling moisture."— Presentation transcript:


2 Energy Efficiency in Rehab Late 1980s – RIP Early 1990s – energy standards developed Approx 20 pages Prescriptive Lowering energy usage Controlling moisture Late 1990s – HELP Duke Energy awards $$ to NCHFA (Special Needs Energy Products Program) Duke Energy/NCHFA agreement (1997)

3 Goal of HELP To encourage the inclusion of high-performance energy- efficiency standards in the rehabilitation of scattered-site single-family housing owned and occupied by low-income customers of Duke Energy Carolinas.

4 And to make homes more affordable - via lower monthly energy bills; more comfortable; more healthy and safe. It also: HELPs Duke reduce need to continually produce more electricity and better control peak demand; AND society benefits by reduced carbon/greenhouse gas es.

5 Energy Efficiency in Rehab Late 1990s - 2005 - 2011, HELP funds used with SFR to pay for energy-efficiency measures in comp rehab 2005 HPwES symposium held at ACI in Austin Texas

6 HPwES Home Performance with ENERGY STAR, a national program from the U.S. EPA and U.S. DOE, offers a comprehensive, whole-house approach to improving energy efficiency and comfort of existing homes, while helping to protect the environment.

7 HPwES & Affordable Housing 2006, some HPwES principals Air-sealing, ES appliances) introduced in SFR Energy- Efficiency Standards 2006 – 2009, HPwES model in the affordable housing market conceptualized at NCHFA 2009 – 2010, NCHFA & AE massage and refine pilot program structure

8 HPwES & Affordable Housing 2010 - AE & NCHFA work toward developing model HPwES Standards Early 2011 – HPwES Program standards formulated and adopted for HPwES Pilot Program

9 Definitions Sponsor (Advanced Energy) NCHFA Partner (Pool Member) (Executes Tri-Party Agreement, NCHFA & AE) HPwES Contractor (requires BPI certification) Executes a participation agreement with the Sponsor Whole House Performance Assessment (HPwES audit) Performed by HPwES Contractor

10 Definitions Rehab Specialist Responsible for WWU & const mgt Contractor Responsible for completing EEMs May or may not be HPwES Contractor Verification Inspection Performed by HPwES Contractor HPwES Summary Certificate Issued by AE

11 The HPwES Processs AE trains Member staff (Rehab Specialist) HPwES Contractor performs HPwES audit Audit results and HC data to AE HC data reviewed for complexity AE approves unit, Member reserves funds Rehab Sp generates WWU & CE Contractor installs EEMs HPwES Contractor does post assessment QA by AE – 1 st 3, then 10% Approval & HPwES certification

12 Benefits HPwES provides Members with structured training and a consistently applied energy- efficiency process. It provides Members with a HPwES manual containing illustrated technical materials which can be used for job-site training of contractors and workers.


14 Tech sheet – critical details



17 Benefits HPwES quality assurance process gives Members and NCHFA confidence that the work was appropriate and performed correctly.

18 HPwES Standards Air Tightness Ventilation Insulation & Windows HVAC Sizing & Installation Combustion Safety Crawlspaces

19 Air Tightness There shall be a continuous, durable air barrier enclosing the conditioned space. This includes features such as chases, knee walls, soffits, garage interfaces, intersecting walls and dropped ceilings.

20 Air Tightness Air sealing shall be required for the following building planes: Attic plane – The highest priority for air sealing shall be given first to any plane adjacent to attic space.

21 Air Tightness Exterior wallsWindows, doors, and any visible hole or crack leading from the building to the exterior Crawlspace/BasementAll plumbing penetrations (e.g., P trap) between the conditioned and unconditioned space shall be sealed.

22 Air tightness



25 Ventilation There shall be a filtered whole-house mechanical fresh air ventilation system in compliance with ASHRAE 62.2., 2007.

26 Ventilation All bathrooms shall have a fan vented to the outside All ventilation ducts shall terminate at or beyond the exterior skin of the building.

27 Insulation, Windows and Doors Insulation shall be installed to manufacturer specifications without gaps, voids, compression or wind intrusion.

28 Insulation, Windows and Doors Insulation and the air barrier in physical contact with each other. Accessible attics shall be insulated to R-38 or greater. Replacement windows, if installed, shall be ENERGY STAR labeled. Knee walls shall be insulated and backed with support material

29 HVAC Sizing and Installation Heat pumps shall have an outdoor thermostat installed to prevent supplementary heater operation when the heat pump is capable of meeting the load. All accessible duct connections shall be sealed with a UL-listed bucket mastic product.

30 HVAC Sizing and Installation Duct leakage shall meet the Advanced Energy approved Duct Location Table targets. New mechanical systems (HVAC) shall be properly sized to ACCA Manual J Replacement furnaces, if installed, shall be 90 percent efficient or greater.

31 Combustion Safety If existing gas equipment will remain atmospherically vented safety testing protocol must be completed and needed repairs must be performed immediately

32 Combustion safety

33 Combustion Safety Homes containing vent-free gas logs or space heaters shall not be retrofitted until units are removed or disabled.

34 Combustion Safety One carbon monoxide (CO) detector shall be installed outside of each bedroom area and to manufacturer specifications in homes that have a combustion appliance or an attached garage (minimum 1 per floor).

35 Crawlspaces All crawlspaces shall have a 100 percent ground cover of 6 mil thickness or greater. Houses having crawlspaces with standing water shall not be included in the program unless drainage is a part of the retrofit plan.

36 HPwES subsidy 1. $7,500 ( including hard & soft costs) if work includes energy-efficiency measures necessary to meet HPwES energy standards; or 2. $10,000 ( including hard & soft costs) if work includes installation of a heat pump.

37 HPwES and Affordable Housing HPwES Pilot Program - 7 HELP Members Currently an option under NCHFAs Home Energy Loan Program (HELP) when Energy- Efficiency measures applied in the comprehensive rehabilitation of single-family homes

38 HPwES and Affordable Housing 2012 - incorporate HPwES standards into NCHFAs HOME-funded Single-Family Rehabilitation

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