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How do the “Robber Barons” make their fortunes?

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Presentation on theme: "How do the “Robber Barons” make their fortunes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do the “Robber Barons” make their fortunes?
Big Business & Labor How do the “Robber Barons” make their fortunes?

2 The Robber Barons Businessmen and bankers who made huge personal fortunes by using unfair business practices They claim to be “captains of industry” and justify their actions using Social Darwinism – survival of fittest! 3) JP Morgan- Banking/Steel 2) J. Rockefeller - Oil 1) A. Carnegie - Steel

3 Andrew Carnegie Carnegie was a Scottish immigrant who worked his way up to Superintendent of Pennsylvania railroad by age 24 Begins investing in & buying other companies (oil, cable & steel) Carnegie Steel becomes one of most successful companies in US Carnegie’s Business Strategy Vertical Integration: Buy out suppliers of needed products and services so you control production top to bottom 2. Horizontal Integration: buy out competing producers so you are only company that offers that service 3. Pay workers low wages & no unions

4 John Rockefeller Rockefeller makes Standard Oil one of the biggest and most profitable American cos Rockefeller tactics: 1. paid very low wages 2. lowered prices to force competition to sell 3. formed trusts to avoid monopoly laws A trust bought out competition, not Rockefeller directly. However, Rockefeller controlled the trust

5 JP Morgan & Govt Response
-Morgan was a master of using of the banking system to kill competition and to form monopolistic trusts -Discuss: How can US gov stop monopolistic trusts while keeping a “free market” system? -1890: Congress passes Sherman Anti-trust Act makes it illegal to form a trust that interfered with free trade/competition - Goal: to stop trusts but difficult to enforce

6 Rise of Labor Unions In addition to low wages, workers also dealt w/: 1) 6-7 day weeks, 12+ hour days, no vacation, no sick leave 2) Poor physical conditions: polluted and often dangerous To improve conditions, labor unions formed to help workers - AF of L (skilled), Knights of Labor (industrial/unskilled), IWW (everyone – socialist ideals)

7 Strikes & Violence Plague the Nation
1) Great Railroad Strike of 1877 -Shut down most RR traffic for week, violence ensued when outside groups joined strike, Pres Hayes sent in Fed troops 2) Haymarket Riot of 1886 - Union member killed by police, show up to protest, anarchist throws bomb into police line killing seven, union blamed

8 3) Homestead Strike, 1892 -President of Carnegie Steel Henry Frick locks out workers, hires “scab workers” and Pinkerton Detectives to protect them -Pinkertons, strikers & townspeople clash, 12 die in violence 4) Pullman Strike, 1894 Eugene V. Debs leads 4K in strike against Pullman Rail Pullman hires strike breakers (scabs), violence ensues, & Debs is jailed

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