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What is it?

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Presentation on theme: "What is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is it?
Psychology What is it?

2 Exchange your experience on the following questions…
What comes to your mind when you hear the word psychology? Have you read or listened to anything related to psychology? What do you expect from the course in psychology?

3 Do our feelings always match our behaviors?
If you call me a dumbass, I may feel sad inside. But I will still act tough. (but I will be crying on the inside, so be gentle).

4 Why study Psychology? What could be more interesting than how we (humans) function? Increases awareness of yours and others behaviors. Is a vary challenging topic Teaches and requires critical thinking

5 Introduction to Psychology
The word psychology is derived from two Greek words: “psyche”and “logos.” Psyche- soul Logos- study Originally psychology was defined as the study of “soul” or “spirit.”

6 What Is Psychology? Psychology is study of mental life and behavior of both humans and animals. Mental life included mental processes and psychological traits. Mental processes are: Cognitive processes (remembering, thinking,reasoning) Emotional processes (feeling happy, sad, angry, afraid) Motivational processes (needs, desires, impulses, intentions) Psychological traits are relatively permanent characteristics of an individual (temper)

7 What Are Psychology’s Roots?
Methods borrowed from the physical sciences Questions posed by philosophy

8 Life Before Psychology
For thousands of years philosophers have asked questions about human nature, the relationship between the body and mind… SCIENTIFIC METHOD

9 How Did the Science of Psychology Begin?
Psychology Is Born! First Experimental Psych Lab (1879)

10 Wilhelm Wundt ( ) Wilhelm Wundt, the man in the picture, gets the credit for being the first experimental psychologist. In he conducted the first documented psychology study, asking how quickly research participants could press a telegraph key after hearing a ball drop. Wundt’s goal was to understand how the simplest elements of experience (such as hearing a sound) combine to create more complex perceptions, experiences, and behaviors (such as pressing the key).

11 Psychology is Empirical
Psychologists must be skeptical and think critically What is the evidence? How was it collected? Psych conclusions based on research NOT tradition or common sense

12 Information relevant to psychology
Internal Information Expectations Current Mental State Experience External Information Actual Words/Actions Image Reflected from Objects Both Determine Our Experience of the World

13 THE END For now…

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