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Vocabulary SS6CG3.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary SS6CG3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary SS6CG3

2 Autocratic A government system in which there is one leader who has complete control, such as a dictator. Citizens are not allowed to vote.

3 Monarchy A government in which a King or Queen rule. (This is one of many types of autocratic governments.)

4 Democratic A government in which citizens are allowed to vote and elect leaders.

5 Federation A government system in which power is shared equally between the central and regional authorities. Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority

6 Confederation A government system in which strong regional authorities share power with a weak central authority. Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority

7 Unitary A government system in which a strong central authority has power over weak regional authorities. Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority

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