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Week 2 in landing a job Bruin style

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1 Week 2 in landing a job Bruin style
How to create a resume using Naviance If you have access to Chromebooks, it would be great if students could login to Naviance as you progress through the slide presentation. If you do not, having them create a resume on a piece of paper and then turning it into the CCC will be fine too. Week 2 in landing a job Bruin style

2 Why use Naviance? Website and resource you already use Helps you to keep all of your college going or career readiness materials in one place Next year, when you are asking school counselors and teachers for letters of recommendation for college, all of your information is in one location. Access to it here and at home

3 Overview Username: Password: Click on “About Me” Tab Click on “Resume” in Interesting About Me section Add Entries Rearrange Content Click on Save and Print

4 Log in to Naviance First Time Logging In? Log in:
Password: Log in to Naviance Can’t remember password?

5 Click on “About Me” After students login, they click on the about me tab.

6 Click on Resume

7 Select entries from the drop down menu and continue adding as many entries as you want

8 Select as many entries and add as much information as possible

9 Sample entries. Contents can be rearranged

10 Click on Save and Print Customize your Printable Resume You can Edit, View, Delete

11 Sample Resume Student Name Address

12 When Building a resume remember…
Have a professional address. is nice but not professional. Ideally, your should be The lettering should be in Times New Roman or another frequently used font. No one wants to read this! Review it with someone prior to submitting it.

13 Now please go make your own and have it ready for next week
Now please go make your own and have it ready for next week. Students who turn in a resume to the College and Career Center will receive a prize. This is an opportunity for students to use a chromebook if you have them in your classroom to create a resume on Naviance.

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