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What is Reproduction? What are the different parts of a plant?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Reproduction? What are the different parts of a plant?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Reproduction? What are the different parts of a plant?
Reproductive part Vegetative part

2 Modes of reproduction 2 types:
In asexual reproduction plants can give rise to new plants without seeds, whereas in sexual reproduction, new plants are obtained from seeds. Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction

3 Asexual reproduction In asexual reproduction, the single parent plant produces identical offspring Asexual reproduction only involves one parent plant, and does not need sex cells New plants made through asexual reproduction are all exactly the same

4 Do all plants reproduce asexually?
Have you ever seen the seeds of sugarcane, potato and rose? How do you think these how these plants reproduce? I thought that new plants always grow from seeds. .

5 Asexual reproduction Strawberries reproduce asexually
They send out runners over the ground These runners sprout roots at various intervals and new plants grow Once the plants are established, the runners die and rot away

6 Asexual reproduction Parent plant New offspring Runners

7 Asexual reproduction Potatoes use tubers to reproduce
They send out underground stems that swell out at the end into tubers These are young potatoes and contain stores of food (starch) Each tuber can then grow into an entire new plant

8 Asexual reproduction Parent plant Young tubers
Stems growing underground

9 Asexual reproduction Gardeners use asexual reproduction to create new plants that are identical to the parent plants They cannot create new varieties this way But they can produce required plants much quicker than growing them from seeds produced in sexual reproduction

10 Asexual reproduction The most common way for gardeners to create new plants asexually is by taking cuttings and growing them These cuttings will develop their own roots and grow into an identical new plant

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