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TEAM BUILDING Three Major Topics

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM BUILDING Three Major Topics"— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM BUILDING Three Major Topics

2 Helping to Develop a Team ROLES OF LEADERS

3 A. Help people to: Learn Grow Develop their abilities as they
Work together successfully on common task(s).

4 B. Being Effective Group Leaders Involve the Following:

5 B. Effective Group Leaders
1. Enter thoughtfully into one's role

6 B. Effective Group Leaders Involves the Following:
1. Enter thoughtfully into one's role 2. Carefully prepare ahead of time:

7 2. Carefully prepare ahead of time:
thinking through problems, issues, and potential solution detailed preparation use one's own intelligence, gifts and insights in preparation and role

8 B. Effective Group Leaders
1. Enter thoughtfully into one's role 2. Carefully prepare ahead of time: 3. Raise up the team – equipped, empowered, doers and not just talkers

9 3. Raise up team – equipped, empowered, doers and not just talkers
Equip and empower go together – one without other is truncated experience, ultimately frustrating

10 B. Effective Group Leaders
1. Enter thoughtfully into one's role 2. Carefully prepare ahead of time: 3. Raise up team – equipped, empowered, doers and not just talkers 4. Act as catalyst and facilitator, as helper and director, not dictator.

11 B. Effective Group Leaders
4. Act as catalyst and facilitator, as helper and director, not dictator. 5. Are knowledgeable of small group dynamics/processes

12 B. Effective Group Leaders
5. Are knowledgeable of small group dynamics/processes 6. Act as servant of group not master

13 B. Effective Group Leaders
5. Are knowledgeable of small group dynamics/processes 6. Act as servant of group not master 7. Share leadership easily and willingly among group members, making use of initiative and experiences of each

14 B. Effective Group Leaders
8. Know the goals for the group if it is assigned tasks from someone outside of group

15 B. Effective Group Leaders
8. Know the goals for the group if it is assigned tasks from someone outside of group 9. Aid the group to formulate its own goals

16 B. Effective Group Leaders
8. Know the goals for the group if it is assigned tasks from someone outside of group 9. Aid the group to formulate its own goals 10. Aid the group to own the goals and to determine the tasks associated with its goals

17 B. Effective Group Leaders
11. Sensitive to group and to each individual within it

18 B. Effective Group Leaders
11. Sensitive to group and to each individual within it 12. Reaffirm each member, helping each to perceive him/herself as valuable and as having a worthwhile role to play

19 B. Effective Group Leaders
13. Look for compensating factors in each group member – sees value in each person

20 B. Effective Group Leaders
13. Look for compensating factors in each group member – sees value in each person 14. Work for feelings of equality among members

21 B. Effective Group Leaders
13. Look for compensating factors in each group member – sees value in each person 14. Work for feelings of equality among members 15. Ask for input to accomplish tasks

22 B. Effective Group Leaders
15. Ask for input from each team member to accomplish tasks 16. Listen sensitively and carefully to each and is able to restate ideas of others concisely and accurately

23 B. Effective Group Leaders
16. Listen sensitively and carefully to each and is able to restate ideas of others concisely and accurately 17. Moderate all sides of issue and helps group to integrate ideas for common goal

24 B. Effective Group Leaders
17. Moderate all sides of issue and helps group to integrate ideas for common goal 18. Seek consensus rather than a vote

25 B. Effective Group Leaders
18. Seek consensus rather than a vote 19. Facilitate problem solving: >ask provocative questions >provide or suggests resources >encourage all to speak >redirect questions to group >alleviate blocks and/or tension >help to sift different viewpoints

26 19. Facilitate problem solving:
>avoid dominating discussion >avoid one person dominating discussion >maintain permissive atmosphere for interaction—all ideas welcomed >keep discussion moving towards the point

27 19. Facilitate problem solving:
>control irrelevant questions and comments by focusing on goal >offer summaries of discussions, issues, progress, etc. as means of moving ahead >clarify various options

28 19. Facilitate problem solving:
>facilitate listing of solutions to tasks and means to achieve goal >aid group to accept own responsibilities

29 B. Effective Group Leaders
19. Facilitate problem solving 20. Facilitate closure to tasks and goal WHO will DO WHAT by WHEN with WHAT DEGREE OF SUCCESS?

30 Effective Group Leaders
21. Are not afraid to ask group to stop discussions and to pray for guidance!

31 B. Effective Group Leaders
22. Raise up team who will raise up other teams Help team to build a new team of leaders:

32 Help team to build a new team of leaders:
>not team members as team, >nor followers of team leader, but team members . . . >who lead others into being teams >who in turn can lead others to be a team.

33 B. Effective Group Leaders
22. Raise up team who will raise up other teams 23. Celebrate accomplishments, achievements, milestones/kilometer markers.


35 B. Effective Group Leaders
1. Enter thoughtfully into one's role 2. Carefully prepare ahead of time: 3. Raise up team – equipped, empowered, doers and not just talkers 4. Act as catalyst and facilitator, as helper and director, not dictator.

36 B. Effective Group Leaders
5. Are knowledgeable of small group dynamics/processes 6. Act as servant of group not master 7. Share leadership easily and willingly among group members, making use of initiative and experiences of each

37 B. Effective Group Leaders
8. Know the goals for the group if it is assigned tasks from someone outside of group 9. Aid the group to formulate its own goals 10. Aid the group to own the goals and to determine the tasks associated with its goals

38 B. Effective Group Leaders
11. Sensitive to group and to each individual within it 12. Reaffirm each member, helping each to perceive him/herself as valuable and as having a worthwhile role to play

39 B. Effective Group Leaders
13. Look for compensating factors in each group member – sees value in each person 14. Work for feelings of equality among members 15. Ask for input to accomplish tasks

40 B. Effective Group Leaders
16. Listen sensitively and carefully to each and is able to restate ideas of others concisely and accurately 17. Moderate all sides of issue and helps group to integrate ideas for common goal

41 B. Effective Group Leaders
18. Seek consensus rather than a vote 19. Facilitate problem solving 20. Facilitate closure to tasks and goal 21. Not afraid to ask group to stop discussions and to pray for guidance!

42 B. Effective Group Leaders
22. Raise up team who will raise up other teams 23. Celebrate accomplishments, achievements, milestones/kilometer markers.


44 BUILDING A TEAM 1. Building a team is a process; it takes time to build a team

45 BUILDING A TEAM 1. Building a team is a process; it takes time to build a team 2. Requires a primary commitment of all involved to the basic philosophical values that govern the organization

46 BUILDING A TEAM 3. Requires commitment & actions from the team “builder” to help: equip, empower, and send team members to do the work

47 BUILDING A TEAM 4. Requires commitment from the team members to:
Each other, Values of the team, Learn, Do, Be

48 BUILDING A TEAM 5. Requires shared vision: we agree on where we are going; Vision, Mission, Purpose, Outcomes/Goals are clear enough for all to commit to it (although not necessarily all people know how to achieve the goal at the beginning)

49 BUILDING A TEAM 6. Requires shared vocation: called to work together to accomplish the common vision under the shared values and beliefs.

50 BUILDING A TEAM 7. Requires building trust –
Open sharing, i.e., community, mutual responsibilities to each other, organization, and tasks. Trust is based on character:

51 Trust is based on character:
people of integrity, love, sincerity, respect, seeing potential in each other and potential to accomplish task

52 Building Trust True community must exist among team members
Team members know each other, have high regard for each other, are in community with each other Pray for each other

53 8. Plan together, which involves following:
to get to know each other – relate to each other first as human beings, then focus on task

54 Plan together help all to focus on common values and vision, i.e. develop vocation: where going how get there what resources needed what are the issues, problems, needs, concerns outcomes desired and hoped for

55 Plan together problem solve together using various techniques associated with problem solving, for example: brainstorm

56 Plan together 9. Keep vision in front of people – “flag bearers”
10. Get started and build and keep momentum going: don’t become lazy as leader nor as team 11. Sacrifice


58 Psychological Motivation
Ways to help a person become motivated psychologically: Share One's self with other [use empathy, cross-cultural skills] Set example Become a significant other and recognize this fact [use empathy, cross-cultural skills]

59 Evaluate with Team or Committee the accomplishment of previous task(s).
Ask them how effectively they accomplished the task(s). Give praise when task(s) is/are well done. Give constructive suggestions when there is need for improvement

60 Motivation Encourage:
Selective praising of worthy deeds, attitudes, etc. Stimulate: "prodding" Pre-requisites: others respect you others accept your prodding

61 Motivate by Association:
Help other to see similarities between present motivation state and a new experience to which present motivation can transfer

62 Facilitation: Help a person accomplish and become successful in an experience with knowledge, skills

63 2. Motivating people to work on a Team or Committee.
Team or Committee responsibility is an important task.

64 Challenge Challenge Team or Committee members with the task:
Why is the task important? What difficulties will there be to overcome? What rewards do you foresee?

65 Share the RESPONSIBILITY (doing of it)
Share AUTHORITY (decisions of it).

66 Help Team or Committee to think of job as “OURS"
not "mine" nor "yours."

67 Give the details of the task(s) in detail.
Let Team or Committee know what has to be done.

68 Let Team or Committee set its own goals, what they want to accomplish.
Ask them how they will know when they have achieved their goal.

69 Express confidence in the Team or Committee and the individuals' abilities to get the task(s) done well (assuming you can do this honestly).

70 Be enthusiastic yourself about the job.
Be a prepared leader yourself: Come with a few ideas to begin discussion.

71 Come with paper and pencils to let Team or Committee write down ideas.
Use proper small group techniques

72 Celebrate each successful major decision and accomplishment, and any other reasons for celebrations, e.g., birthdays, special holidays, etc.

73 Building a functioning Team is worth the hard work and effort to accomplish the common task.

74 © 2003, revised 2010. John M. Dettoni, Ph.D. 311 West Avenida Gaviota San Clemente, CA USA phone: ; fax: C:\Users\john\Documents\Leaders, Leadership\Teams or Groups\Developing a Team or Committee secular.wpd


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