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An Equal Playing Field? World Cup 2014 – Literacy.

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1 An Equal Playing Field? World Cup 2014 – Literacy

Is the World Cup good for everyone in Brazil? Role Play: For and Against the World Cup. In groups of four assign pupils role cards. Each role card gives a scenario outlining why people in Brazil are for and against the World Cup. Pupils read the role card to themselves (they should not tell others what their card says). A pupil starts by stating whether they think the World Cup is good or bad for Brazil. Pupils try to convince one another why the World Cup is / isn’t good for Brazil by solving the problem presented to them by the other pupils. Ask each group if they have come to a conclusion (it is not important that they decide).

3 WORLD CUP PROTESTS Brazil has been in the news! Find out about the protests that took place in the lead up to the World Cup, e.g. Display the newspaper report included or give copies to pupils. Discuss the structure of the Writing: Read the article (teacher led or in pairs). What is the purpose of the article? (to inform and persuade). How is the message made more interesting? (Quote from famous football player) What does the article debate? (spending on the World Cup vs. current inequality in Brazil) Note the date at the top. Is this information up to date? (No) What language in the article is typical of this style of writing? (either in pairs or teacher led, identify any interesting vocabulary, sentence openers and connectives you want pupils to use later in their writing in the next session. See below for differentiation. Discuss the content of the article: Are protests a good or bad way of expressing views? Why? Discuss the issues being protested about. (List in pairs and feedback) (Health care / Education /Transport /Housing /Higher tax rates for the poor) Ask pupils who they think will benefit the most from the World Cup being hosted in Brazil. (most / all Brazilians / the wealthiest / the poorest / athletes etc) Should the World Cup aim to reduce inequality? Why is Brazil such an unequal country? What has been improved in terms of inequality in Brazil?

4 YOUR NEWS REPORT Use your research notes to write a report about protests and inequality in Brazil. Include: An orientation paragraph (who, what, where, why, when). A clear overview of the issue at hand. Interesting language. A quote. Indirect speech. Pupils use their notes from the previous session and the key vocabulary outlined to write an updated newspaper report about the protests in Brazil which should include: Adapt success criteria as suited: An orientation paragraph (who, what, where, why, when). A clear overview of the issue at hand (that people are protesting because large amounts of money are being spent in a country where inequality is an issue). A quote from someone well known. A quote from a protestor. Indirect speech.

Share your ideas: Will the World Cup reduce or increase inequality? What would you do to make Brazil a fairer place? Discuss questions. Elicit all the different issues pupils reported about. These may include: limited spending on Health care / Education /Transport /Housing limited access to Health care / Education /Transport higher tax rates for the poor.

To make Brazil fairer I would… World Cup Display Pupils fill in Fair Brazil cards to show what they think would make Brazil fairer. (See black and white and colour templates below). Pupils should extend their ideas to explain how this action would make the country better. e.g. Make wealthier people pay more taxes so that more money could be spent on education. Pupils’ newspaper reports could also be displayed.

What is in the news now about Brazil and the World Cup? Plan an up-to-date newsflash. Include: What sorts of issues are being covered? Is there any evidence of any further protests or unhappiness? Have the issues protesters were talking about been addressed? Does it seem like the World Cup is helping to make Brazil a fairer place? Tell pupils they will be planning to write an up to date report about protests and unrest in Brazil about the World Cup. At the time of writing, it is unknown what exactly will be in the news though we anticipate there will be further news of unrest because of inequality. These websites may be a good place to start the research: Pupils should outline / include: the issue being debated who is involved why there is unrest / debate a quote from someone famous such as a World Cup star about what is happening.

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