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ACPA Spring Short Course School

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1 ACPA Spring Short Course School
Developing a Maintenance Program Presented by Bob Washabaugh ACPA Spring Short Course School Houston February 11-14, 2014

2 2 Most maintenance programs we have done talk about theory and why and could’a, should’a, would’a but never really tell us about the specific of what we should look for and do!

3 3 This session is for those that are the doers and the get it done folks. It is schedules and info that will direct your efforts.

4 “Those that are rowing the boat seldom have time to rock it.”
4 The saying is: “Those that are rowing the boat seldom have time to rock it.” This session is for those that have the oars in the water and are trying to make it to shore before the hole in the bottom sinks the boat!

5 5 In other words….. no fluff, no maybes, just good info to help you get ahead of the quick fix and repair game and put you into a preventative maintenance mode that will help you see what is coming and PLAN the next maintenance task.

6 The Plan Step One Create a Procedure
Which piece of equipment will shut down the entire facility if it is not running? Then pay attention to it and insure that there will be only PLANNED maintenance on it by doing the REGULAR preventive maintenance on it.

7 Step Two Evaluate Do the same ranking system for every piece of equipment in your facility so you know what will cost the most down time and layoffs if it is not running

8 Organize, Prioritize, and Document
Step Three Organize, Prioritize, and Document Put them all on a chart or in the computer on a spread sheet (which is better because as priorities change you can easily move the rankings) and discuss them with the management so they can see the impact of the equipment not running. Make sure you are all on the same page but now you have documentation to support the MAINTENANCE program you are getting ready to develop.

9 This is not for the faint of heart!
Step Four Justify and Supply This is not for the faint of heart! This is about knowing what needs to be done and how long it will take and the consequence of not getting it done! It is about developing a relationship with the man above that says “we can’t afford to fix it” and helping him to understand that you can’t afford not to.

10 Step Five GET STARTED! Yesterday is gone, today is here and done, tomorrow will become today so fast you won’t know what to do because by the time you figure it out it will be yesterday!

11 That means neat, clean and organized.
Step Six Build Commitment For some of you this next step will be very difficult for any number of reasons. But, if you are going to succeed you will have to develop the attitude, culture and environment that will convince the biggest “nay sayer” that this is not only possible but Necessary! That means neat, clean and organized. If your car doesn’t run well enough to get you to work every day, why would I entrust the entire plant to you?

12 Step Seven Make It Work Take a deep breath and be patient. You have gone for years responding to the loudest radio call or cell phone call or text message and you have called this the “Maintenance Department” Now you are going to change the “REPAIR SHOP” into a true preventative maintenance shop by knowing where the priorities are.

13 The Sheets The following are various sheets from different equipment suppliers or from friendly competitor companies that want to see our industry remain successful. They will perhaps need to be modified to fit your facility or equipment but the structure of the documents will make it much easier to develop you own rather than starting from scratch.

14 The Sheets These sheets may not be an exact fit or represent your equipment exactly but they can certainly be used as an outline for your equipment

15 The Sheets

16 The Sheets

17 The Sheets

18 The Sheets

19 The Sheets

20 The Sheets

21 The Sheets

22 The Sheets

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