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Areas to be covered: Why we conduct the PRODCOM survey and who uses it
Team structure How we collect and validate our data Statistical processes Publication processes
Purpose of the PRODCOM survey
Uses EU regulation Compilation of National Accounts To aid Trade Associations in research and helping manufacturers identify market opportunities Environmental issues A sampling frame for PPI Chain linking of PPI
Structure of the PRODCOM survey
Split into three sections. Survey Processing Centre Editing and Validation Results Analysis and Publication
Collecting Data – Sample Design (1)
The UK uses a sample survey and grosses to provide estimates of the UK manufacturing population Annual sample size of approximately 21,500 using Permanent Random Numbers sampling, post stratification Stratification is the grouping together of similarly homogenous units The UK PRODCOM Survey stratifies by NACE class and employment size to give a range of 5 strata
Collecting Data – Sample Design (2)
Stratum Employment Sample Universe 1 0 – 9 1,800 105,700 2 10 – 19 5,600 13,500 3 20 – 49 7,100 9,800 4 50 – 99 3,500 3,800 5 100+ Total 21,800 136,600
Collecting Data – Sample Design (3)
Businesses within stratum 1 can only be selected once for any survey Then have a rest period of three years Known as the Osmotherly guarantee. Each NACE has an employment ‘cut-off’ which is either, 20, 50 or 100. All businesses with employment above cut-off are selected for PRODCOM each year For rest of sample, there is a 10% forced rotation Businesses are selected for 10 years before a break
Collecting Data – The Questionnaire (1)
Paper questionnaire tailored to meet the business need Newly sampled businesses telephoned in advance and product questionnaires added prior to dispatch Alternatively new selected write in their product info on first selection In Section B, the business will describe their products, provide a description and CN and the value of their production
Collecting Data – The Questionnaire (2)
Analysts ‘code out’ product descriptions to appropriate PRODCOM codes The coding of the product is confirmed with the business by telephone and a volume for each product sought In the absence of volume information, where there are other returns for the same product, a ‘batch construction’ can be inserted
Collecting Data – The Questionnaire (3)
Once a business has confirmed their production items, these are then added to their questionnaire in future surveys The questionnaire asks for ‘other income’ in Section C and the addition of values in Sections, A, B and C should equal ‘Total Turnover’ in Section D On receipt of the questionnaire, these are scanned in to the system
Statistical Processes – Micro data Editing/Validation
The data is then tested against numerous credibility criteria Validation is performed at product level and credibility gates are set individually for each product Selective editing method is applied - ranks failing respondents by ‘impact’ on final estimates
Statistical Processes - Outliers
Correct response that is not representative of the sample - undue influence on the estimate This extreme response is excluded from the calculation of industry sales per head Automatic Outlier – If more than 10 businesses making a product, the top and bottom 5% are trimmed in sales per head calculation Manual Outlier – Businesses that are manually marked as an outlier by the results analyst at the results processing stage
Statistical Processes - Imputation
If business A returned last year, but non-responder this year For each business that returned a value for a product both this year and last, calculate the growth in sales Apply the average growth (trimmed) to the value returned by business A last year This is the imputed value for business A Assumes non-responders have similar characteristics to those who have responded in both years
Statistical Processes - Estimation
As PRODCOM UK is a sample survey, the returned information is used as a basis for estimation for the entire UK manufacturing population Total UK manufacturer sales = Total returned sales of companies (including imputed & constructed) + estimated sales of companies who have never returned their form or were not in the sample Non-linear estimator – sales per head, product propensity
Statistical Processes – Output Editing/Validation (1)
Grossed Estimates Results Checking Each question is put the through the estimation procedure in the SAS results system. SAS compares data and looks for: Large year on year changes Consistency of unit values Revisions of previous years data Each of the above has failure gates. If these are breached then the product/industry are investigated by the analyst.
Statistical Processes – Output Editing/Validation (2)
Possible reasons for failures: Entrance and departure of businesses from a sample New business causing high grossing Business misreporting sales Figures given in £ rather than £000s Genuine increases Businesses classified to the wrong industry
Statistical Processes – Disclosure
All estimates are tested for their contribution to a product and are tested using a dominance threshold disclosure model Where businesses dominate production of a product, a letter is sent to them asking for permission to publish If permission is denied, then the estimate is suppressed
Publications (1) The UK publishes its estimates about 30 June for the previous reference year, marking them as ‘Provisional Results’. These results are transmitted to Eurostat on same day An ‘Intermediate’ set of results are then published in December, whereby at the same time, the previous years ‘Intermediate’ become ‘Final’. After each publication, results are transmitted to Eurostat
Publications (2) A Statistical bulletin and accompany Excel data files are placed on the ONS website on the day of publication. For each product, the corresponding CN number is published, along with Intra and Extra EU imports/exports
Publications (3)
Code of Practice for Official Statistics
UK Statistics Authority – independent body, directly accountable to parliament Promote and safeguard the production and publication of official statistics Assess statistics against Code of Practice – designate as National Statistic PRODCOM assessed June 2012 – designated subject to requirements being met, eg: User engagement; Revisions; Review quality assurance procedures; Improve commentary for user interpretation; Investigate the use of other data sources
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