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The Winning Guide to Writing Resolutions

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Presentation on theme: "The Winning Guide to Writing Resolutions"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Winning Guide to Writing Resolutions
The Point of It All The Winning Guide to Writing Resolutions

2 It all comes down to this…
Every delegate’s goal is to write a passing resolution Delegates spend the majority of conference writing resolutions Resolutions are the ultimate way of letting the chairs know you know your stuff

3 The Life of A Resolution
Working Paper: Initial work Draft Resolution: Working paper after approved by Chair Resolution: Draft Resolution passed in voting bloc

4 Getting Down to the Bare Basics
Header Sponsors: Authors Signatories: Countries who want to see a debate Topic Should have number lines Preambulatory and Operative Clauses Is one really long sentence

5 Preambulatory Clauses

6 A Little Background Used to state the reasons the committee has come together and past actions that have been made towards the topic Clauses are underlined and end with comma, Each clause is its own paragraph

7 Preambulatory Clauses

8 Operative Clauses

9 Let’s Get Down to Business
Used to state the actions Sponsors plan to take towards the topic Each clause is: numbered written in chronological order punctuated with a semicolon; with the exception of the last clause, which ends in a period

10 Operative Clauses

11 Paper is what Working papers Draft Resolution
Once a working paper becomes a draft resolution, only operative clauses can be voted upon Draft Resolutions are voted upon during Voting Bloc. If they pass, they become Resolutions

12 Wait A Minute... Draft Resolutions can be modified through friendly and unfriendly amendments Friendly: All sponsors agree on the edit Unfriendly: At least one sponsor does not agree on the edit proposed. Voted upon by committee

13 Division of the Question
Procedural Motion: Does the committee want to break up the resolution Substantive Vote: Does the committee want to take out clauses proposed If yes, clauses are annexed and not apart of resolution Annexed clauses are voted upon

14 Time to Vote... 1st: All Friendly Amendments are voted upon
2nd: Division of the Question: Resolutions can be voted upon by sections before being voted upon entirely 3rd: The Resolution is voted either by acclamation or roll call

15 The Fail Saves If one resolution passes, the contradictory resolutions automatically fail If a vote by acclamation fails, there is automatically a vote by Roll Call Rember: Only those “Present” can abstain A Delegate can pass once

16 Other Resources Training Packet (Coming Soon!!!)
The New York M.U.N. Delegate Prep Guide The United Nations of the USA ILUMC Resolution Guide

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