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Mrs. Guenst’s Back To School Night Take a seat at your student’s desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Guenst’s Back To School Night Take a seat at your student’s desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Guenst’s Back To School Night Take a seat at your student’s desk.
Welcome Parents! Take a seat at your student’s desk. Video Presentation: 7:15 PM Session 1: 7:25 to 7:45 PM Session 2: 7:45 to 8:00 PM

2 At Your Desk: Your packets contains the following:
Daily schedule – Reference for specials! Report Card sample and Guidelines for achievement marks (1, 2, 3, 4)

3 Introduction Meet Mrs. Guenst!
Contact Information School Phone: (703)

4 Communication Agenda Monthly Newsletters
Homework – Please check daily! Students write down homework, upcoming tests and events. Monthly Newsletters “Month ahead hard copy in the Thursday Folder” Grade Level and Classroom Website Thursday Folders Graded Work, Classroom Work and School Information

5 Mrs. Guenst’s Classroom
Third Grade PBIS, Classroom Tour, Specials, Snacks, Homework Policy, and Events

6 Classroom Tour Locations: Behavior Management: Organization is key
Completed Work Bin Classroom Jobs Homework Board/Schedule Behavior Management: PBIS ROAR Jar and Matrix (Whole Class/School) Table Points (Table Group- Switches Monthly) Punch Cards (Individual Student- Incentives such as lunch with the teacher, sit at teacher’s desk, move desk by friend for a day.)

7 Daily Recess: 11:15 to 11:25 and 12:35 to 1:55 PM
Specials Monday: Library 11:30 to 12:00 PM, Dreambox 12:00-12:30 PM Tuesday: Music 11:30 to 12:00 PM, PE 12:00 to 12:30 PM Wednesday:  Search/Computer Lab 9:30-10:15, Art 11:30 to 12:20 PM, PE 12:30-1:00 PM Thursday: Guidance/ Computer Lab 12:00 to 12:30 PM, PE 12:00 to 12:30 PM Friday: Music12:00-12:30 PM Daily Lunch 10:45 to 11:15 AM Daily Recess: 11:15 to 11:25 and 12:35 to 1:55 PM

8 Snacks Healthy snack Allergy Aware CLASSROOM
Snack time is around 9:20 AM daily and 1:00 PM if needed.

9 Homework Homework is a nightly 30 minute process
Students will write their homework down in their agendas daily. Homework is a nightly 30 minute process Read Independently 20 minutes Math for minutes (IXL,DreamBox, Etc.) Word Study (If not completed in school)

10 Events Field Trips: Class Parties:
Parent volunteers for students with Epi-pens 1 field trip: Spring – National Zoo Class Parties: Room parent volunteers 2 Parties: Winter party – TBA End of the year party - TBA

11 Curriculum and Assessment
Third Grade Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies, and Math Preview Grading Policy

12 Reading A balanced or comprehensive literacy approach is used.
This includes shared reading, guided reading and independent reading as well as read-alouds, literature study and explicit skills lessons. The skills include the following: 1)Connecting 2)Predicting 3)Questioning 4)Inferring 5)Synthesizing/Visualization 6)Evaluating/Applying

13 Writing Writing/Grammar Word Study/Spelling Cursive Writing
Paragraph writing, personal narratives, expert writing, research writing, fractured fairytales and persuasive letters. Word Study/Spelling Students will be tested bi-weekly. Monday: New Words and Next Friday: Test 20 minutes a day! (Activities vary) Students work at their own spelling level! Cursive Writing Oral Presentations (1 per quarter)

14 Science Units Scientific Process Matter Life Cycles
Energy Resources (Renewable vs. Non-Renewable) Simple Machines Animal Adaptations STEM Scientific Process Asking Questions Communicating Gathering Data Making Sense of Data

15 Social Studies Communities/Citizenship Government Economics
Ancient Civilizations: Rome, Greece, Mali, Egypt, and China

16 Math Place Value, Calendar, Time Addition & Subtraction Geometry
Patterns, Functions, Algebra Multiplication & Division Measurement Money Graphing Problem Solving Probability & Statistics

17 Assessment Math Science/Social Studies Word Study
Students in third grade will be tested in: Math Science/Social Studies Word Study I will ALWAYS send home a study guide in their Homework/Take Home Folders prior to a test. In addition, as a class, we will spend 1-2 days reviewing prior to the test day. I will always set the student up for success!

18 Assessment Assessments will be graded with 4, 3, 2, 1.
4 – Excelling: self directed, demonstrates skills and concepts at a highly proficient level, and performance shows insightful understanding, consistently 3 – Achieving: developing proficiency with skills taught, applies skills and concepts appropriately, and performance shows overall understanding 2 – Developing: recalls and uses skills with some consistency and performance shows a limited understanding  1 – Needs Improvement: needs significant teacher support, responses are limited or incomplete, and performance shows lack of understanding A copy of the report card as well as the guidelines for achievement marks (1, 2, 3, 4) are attached in your packets.

19 Assessment

20 Assessment

21 Assessment

22 Assessment Word Study Test
To receive a “4” you must add an extra word under each header that fits with your word sort. Please explain WHY each word fits. Example: Resell fits into the “RE-” header because RE- means to do again and resell means to sell again. TRI - PRE - RE - Tricycle Preview Redo Trident Preheat Rewrite ** Triathlon ** Presale ** Resell

23 Communication is my number one goal!
Thank You! Communication is my number one goal! Please do not hesitate to contact me!

24 Sign up to volunteer in the classroom!
Reminders Don’t Forget Sign up to volunteer in the classroom!

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