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Human Impact on the Hydrosphere

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1 Human Impact on the Hydrosphere

2 There are 17 river basins in North Carolina
NC River Basins There are 17 river basins in North Carolina 4 of them empty into the Atlantic Ocean Some of them flow into South Carolina The remaining flow westward to the Mississippi River Important for states to reduce the amount of pollution in the rivers because the rivers do flow to other states


4 Water All humans depend on water
Bathing, drinking, cooking, washing, etc. Water is not evenly distributed, some areas have less water than needed

5 Population Over the last century Human population has increased 3x
Global water withdrawal has increased 7x About one-sixth of the world’s people don’t have easy access to safe water

6 Dams A dam is a structure that is built across a river or stream that restricts the flow of water Creates a reservoir behind the dam Used for: Drinking, Irrigation, Electricity Dams can destroy ecosystems however

7 Types of Water Pollution
Point Source Pollution – contaminants have an identifiable source Smokestacks, car tailpipe Nonpoint Source Pollution Contaminant source cannot be found Several farmlands in the same area

8 Major Sources of Water Pollution
Agriculture: by far the leader Pesticides, fertilizers Industrial: factories and powerplants Mining: surface mining toxics, acids, sediment

9 Non-Point Water Pollution
Non-Point pollution reaches bodies of water through streets and sewers. Pesticides, fertilizers are washed off lawns Animal feces float away from farms 96% of water pollution is from non- point sources

10 Groundwater Pollution
Groundwater pollution can be caused by: Leaking chemical storage barrels Landfills Fertilizers Sewage from septic systems This can contaminate wells and a communities drinking water

11 Salt Water Intrusion Salt water intrusion is the movement of saline water into a freshwater aquifer When water is pumped from coastal wells a path is created for the salt water to flow to the aquifer Can also occur due to storm surge from a hurricane Estuary Degradation-Sediments from erosion due to deforestation enter estuaries and impact water quality


13 Arsenic Contamination
Arsenic is a poisonous element that is sometimes dissolved inside of groundwater Caused by Tube wells- Water wells that drill down to the water table. Are lined with arsenic

14 Coastal Water Near shore regions are easily affected by pollution
50% of the US population lives near a city Pollutants from cities can end up in the oceans Oil spills are also a potential hazard due to oil tankers in the Gulf of Mexico. Death of organisms Economic impact Gulf Oil Spill 2009

15 Wastewater Treatment Plants
Water goes to a treatment plant after it is flushed Not all harmful substances are removed Industrial wastewater and storm runoff contain toxic substances that aren’t removed

16 watch?v=pRaptzcp9G4
Flush to Finish watch?v=pRaptzcp9G4 Watch, fill in worksheet and compare to the diagram on the next slide


18 Ways to save water: Water Conservation Use low flow toilets/showers
Water purification plans Use garden hose nozzels

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