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Welcome Prospective Delegates!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Prospective Delegates!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Prospective Delegates!!

2 THE UNITED NATIONS An intergovernmental organization created to maintain international peace and security.

3 Main Organs of the UN There are six! 1. General Assembly (GA)
2. Security Council 3. Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 4. Trusteeship Council (Suspended operations in 1994) 5. International Court of Justice 6. Secretariat There are also specialized committees: UNICEF UN Human Rights Council World Health Organization UNDP UNESCO UNHCR ITU…...

4 What is Model United Nations (MUN)?
Simulation of the United Nations It “models”/ imitates the United Nations Conferences to teach students the acts of collaboration, compromise and diplomacy.

5 What happens in MUN? Participants get to be representatives/ delegates of a UN member state They are assigned to specific committees with specific topics/issues They participate in several debates over the topics, bearing the viewpoints of their own countries Draft resolutions within the debating sessions aiming to solve/better the issues debated on At last, the resolutions are voted upon

6 Why Do MUN? You get to be both a leader and a teamplayer
Public speaking skills rise up!! Meet people from all over the world at the annual conferences and make unforgettable memories! Keeps you updated on global issues More knowledge!

7 Prep for our annual debate/ conference
What do we do in PCMUN? Prep for our annual debate/ conference Practice debates to do our absolute BEST at conference! Conferences are usually out-of-state -> Expensive -> Fundraisers! Share transformative life experiences... conference!!

8 Who Do We Seek? Committed individuals to PCMUN!!
If you want to attend conference, you are expected to: Come to all meetings (can’t miss more than two) Participate in fundraisers to make conference affordable for all Attend and PARTICIPATE in mock debates ALL BECAUSE WE HAVE A SHINING LEGACY TO MAINTAIN! Winner of Best Delegation awards for two consecutive years!


10 JOIN US!! Remind: Text @pchsmun to 81010

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