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My spectrum of organisation and prioritisation

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Presentation on theme: "My spectrum of organisation and prioritisation"— Presentation transcript:

1 My spectrum of organisation and prioritisation

2 Activity: What do I have problems organising and prioritising?
What do you always avoid doing and why? Will you get your house chores done without having to be asked? Do you leave everything until the last minute? Do you find it hard to multitask? Do you get overwhelmed when there are too many things to do? Have you ever started ten tasks all at once and ended up doing none of them? Is your bedroom well organised? How about your school books? Will you get your school bag ready the night before or at the last minute? Do you ever forget to bring stuff in for school like your P.E. gear? Do you ever give up trying to keep everything ordered or get hyper-focused on something that you must have a particular way? Does it upset you if certain things aren’t organised properly? Is it hard to start activities? Do you find it difficult to then stop?

3 Activity: What am I good at organising and prioritising?
Can you manage your time well to get things done? Do you meet coursework deadlines in school? Can you work out which homework needs to be done each night to make sure you get everything done on time? Have you a good ability to judge how much time will be needed to complete homework activities? Do you enjoy keeping charts recording things like sports scores? Is it easy to keep one thing organised or get one thing done but really hard to do lots of different tasks? Can you ignore distractions to stay on task and finish a task? Or does it depend on the task? Do you think tasks through logically and work out a solution?

4 Strategies: To help me stay organised and prioritise I can:
Is it useful to make a written plan of your activities so you can remember everything you need to do? Have you tried using a wall chart to help you plan your day/week/month? Are there any apps or electronic diaries that would support your ability to stay organised or prioritise tasks effectively? Could you decide on a set time to do any tasks that have to be dealt with daily like house chores, tidying your bedroom or school bag?

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