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1 Q2W3

2 MONDAY- BELLWORK Sit at your T Day station
MONDAY- BELLWORK Sit at your T Day station. Have your biography out on your desk! Take your Reading Log from the back counter and label it: Q2 RL 3 Due: 10/28/16 Take a Project Rubric paper. TAKE out your AOW and a sheet of paper. Label it: AOW questions.  AOW is due Thursday: 10/27/16. Write the question and answer it on your paper. 1. According to the article, what is the biggest change in Halloween in the last 10 years? A. People are using social media to get involved with the holiday. B. People are buying lots of candy to celebrate the holiday. C. People have to buy some items, such as pumpkins, every year. D. People are buying Halloween costumes for their kids.

3 Success Criteria I can score understand what I read. I can respond to questions throughout the text. New THINK stations Success Criteria: Red: I can write a sentence for each WWW. I can use a comma correctly in each sentence. I can identify the comma rule used. Green: I can choose 2 events from the story. I can compare/contrast, bot, Via and Auggie’s perspectives of each event. Blue: I can achieve 80% or higher on the Wonder Part 1:Auggie Quiz on Edmodo. Orange: I can correctly summarize a non-fiction text using the GIST strategy. Yellow: I can correctly complete 4 task cards. I can identify the genre of each task card.

Take out the sheet of paper labeled: AOW Questions. Answer the following: 2. Read the section "Scary Farm If You Dare." Why is Halloween so important for Party City? A. Party City spends the most money each year during Halloween. B. Halloween gives Party City an opportunity to advertise more. C. Halloween is the most fun holiday for Party City's employees. D. Party City earns a large part of its yearly money during Halloween.

5 Lab Day Complete the Quizizz on Wonder. Retake until you reach 80% or higher. Success Criteria: I can achieve 80% or higher on quizizz quiz Wonder. When finished, log into Moby Max through Clever. Begin working on your learning path on Reading Skills Literature.

6 Success Criteria I can score 80% or better during my CFA! 

Take out the sheet of paper labeled: AOW Questions. Answer the following: 3. Look at the titles of the charts. Then read this excerpt. Spending on Halloween is still far less than what people spend on the winter holiday season. Shoppers spend about $616 billion during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. People also spend more on Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day and Father’s Day. Which chart shows a picture of the information in this quote? A. "Overall Halloween spending" B. "Consumer average Halloween spending" C. "Top ways consumers will celebrate this year" D. "Halloween's rank among U.S. holiday spending"

8 Staple your questions to your AOW and TURN IN your AOW when finished.
THURSDAY- BELLWORK Take out the sheet of paper labeled: AOW Questions. Answer the following: 4. Look at the chart "Top ways consumers will celebrate this year." Which statement is TRUE about trick-or-treating? A. Most people will go trick-or-treating this Halloween. B. More people will go trick-or-treating than to a party. C. Trick-or-treating is the least popular Halloween activity. D. More people will dress in a costume than go trick-or-treating. Staple your questions to your AOW and TURN IN your AOW when finished.

Turn in your AOW if you did not yesterday. Turn in your Reading Log #3.

10 Success Criteria

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