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Structures and organelles

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1 Structures and organelles

2 Organelles There are several organelles in an Eukaryotic cell.
Organelles are structures that have specific jobs within the cell Each job is important and vital to the survival of the cell.

3 Cytoplasm and cytoskeleton
Cytoplasm- a semifluid inside the cell. A jelly like substance that holds organelles in place. Cytoskeleton- supporting network of long, thin protein fibers that forma framework for the cell and provide an anchor for the organelles.

4 Cell structures Nucleus- the organelle that directs all cellular processes. Contains genetic information (DNA) Surrounded by nuclear membrane Contains the nucleolus City hall of cell

5 Cell structures Ribosomes- organelle that is responsible for protein production. Ribosomes produced in nucleolus Ribosomes are made of RNA and protein Can be found free floating and on rough endoplasmic reticulum Protein factories of cell

6 Cell structures Endoplasmic reticulum- membrane system of folded sacs and interconnected channels that serve as the site for protein and lipid synthesis. Smooth ER- complex carb, lipid, phospholipid production Rough ER- protein production Surrounds nucleus Protein/ other molecule factory of cell

7 Cell structures Golgi Apparatus/bodies- flattened stack of membranes that modify, sort and packages proteins into sacs called vesicles. Post office of the cell

8 Cell structures Vacuoles- sac used to store food, enzymes, and other necessary materials. Also used to store waste Larger in plant cells, since they can’t dispose of waste. Water tower of the cell

9 Cell structures Lysosomes- vesicles that contain substances that digest worn out or extra cell parts. Filled with enzymes Dump trucks of the cell

10 Cell structures Centrioles- organelles made of microtubules that function during cell division Located in the cytoplasm Crane/ construction equipment of the cell

11 Cell structures Mitochondria- the organelle that converts food particles (mainly sugar) into useable energy. Site of cellular respiration Powerhouse of the cell More plentiful in plant cells since they can’t eat like animals can

12 Cell structures Chloroplast- organelles that capture light and convert it to chemical energy through photosynthesis ONLY FOUND IN PLANT CELLS Site of photosynthesis Contains chlorophyll Solar energy plants of the cell

13 Cell structures Cell wall- thick, rigid, mesh of fibers that surrounds the outside of the plasma membrane to protect plant cells and support them. ONLY FOUND IN PLANT CELLS. Border of the cell

14 Cell structures Cilia and flagella- hair like projections on the outside of the cell that help it move and swim. Also helps with feeding the cell

15 Key points for 7.3 There are many important organelles in Eukaryotic cells All organelles work together to keep the cell alive and healthy The cell is very much so like a city, with several interworking parts.

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