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3rd Joint Workshop on Pesticide Indicators

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1 3rd Joint Workshop on Pesticide Indicators
Calculation of active substances Malta 17-18th January, 2008 Mary Rose Debono Senior Statistician National Statistics Office - Malta

2 Summary Data entry Questionnaire Definitions of Treated Area
Progress to date

3 Data entry All data is entered into a specific program built by NSO IT software developers Included in the software is a list of all registered and unregistered pesticides for the calculation of active substances A list of all registered pesticides obtained from the Plant Health Laboratory. Any products used in agriculture and not on the list were checked on the internet to find the chemical family and active substance. If no information was found the farmer was contacted to obtain details on the importer of the product.

4 Data entry Once the product code and the amount applied is entered into the program the program automatically converts the amount applied into the chemical family and active substance of that product

5 Conversion of active ingredients from liquids to solids
All liquid products were identified and all active substances within these products were converted into weight equivalent Example: Erbitox E30 contains 28% of MCPA equivalent to 315g/L Amount of active substance = amount applied x 0.315

6 Questionnaires Two questionnaires were used in the PPP survey of 2007
Summary questionnaire The summary questionnaire provides an overview of the details of each parcel at parcel level Treated areas questionnaire The treated areas questionnaire relates to the areas that were actually treated. Those crops identified as treated in the summary questionnaire will be asked further questions on PPP treatment of those crops within those parcels

7 Summary questionnaire
Information collected in the summary questionnaire is as follows: Parcel number Area under parcel Pre-planting treatment Cycle number Crop Code Area under crop Irrigated Treated Sown date Harvest date

8 Summary questionnaire
Estimation of the total land area used in agriculture The total land area actually treated Ratio irrigated areas to non-irrigated areas

9 Treated areas questionnaire
Information collected in the treated areas questionnaire is as follows: Treatment round Area under crop Area treated Application date Product brand name Amount applied Method of application

10 Treated areas questionnaire
The treated areas questionnaire is used to estimate Treated areas by crop, chemical family and active substance Volume and type of pesticide by chemical family and by active substance Method of application The average number of treatments by crop Seasonal identification of pesticide usage

11 Examples Example of a holding with one crop Summary questionnaire
Treated areas questionnaire Example of a holding a number of crops

12 A – K / /07




16 Definitions of Treated Area
Basic Area Treated Application Area Treated Formulation Area Treated Active Substance Area Treated

17 Basic Area Treated Area under crop receiving treatment i.e. sum of all treated areas (Area of crop grown less Area of crop not receiving PPP) Basic Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) 6 parcels with a total of 0.87ha

18 Application Area Treated
Treated area in terms of the number of treatments made to crop (Basic Area Treated multiplied by the number of treatments irrespective of the number of products in the same chemical family)

19 Application Area Treated
Application Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) total of 4.35ha (0.87ha by 5 treatment rounds) by chemical family - Acaricide 1.74ha - Fungicide 3.48ha - Insecticide 1.74ha

20 Application Area Treated
1 2 Application Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) total of 4.35ha (0.87ha by 5 treatment rounds) by chemical family - Acaricide 1.74ha (0.87ha in 2 treatment rounds) - Fungicide 3.48ha - Insecticide 1.74ha

21 Application Area Treated
1 2 3 4 Application Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) total of 4.35ha (0.87ha by 5 treatment rounds) by chemical family - Acaricide 1.74ha - Fungicide 3.48ha (0.87ha in 4 treatment rounds) - Insecticide 1.74ha

22 Application Area Treated
1 2 Application Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) total of 4.35ha (0.87ha by 5 treatment rounds) by chemical family - Acaricide 1.74ha - Fungicide 3.48ha - Insecticide 1.74ha (0.87ha in 2 treatment rounds)

23 Formulation Area Treated
Treated area in terms of the number of formulations (products) applied (Depending on the number of products in the tank)

24 Formulation Area Treated
Formulation Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) is the sum of all formulations applied total of 8.7ha (0.87ha by 10 formulations)

25 Active Substance Area Treated
Treated area with each active substance within the formulations. If treatment contains only 1 active substance, then the Active Substance Area Treated = Formulation Area Treated

26 Active Substance Area Treated
Active Substance Area Treated for tomatoes (crop code 16) is the area treated with each active substance within formulations total of 10.44ha (0.87ha by 12 active substance ingredients) by active substance - AI 1: Sulphur 2.61ha (Treatment rounds 2, 3 and 5) - AI 1: Mancozeb 1.74ha (Treatment rounds 2 and 4) - AI 1: Malathion 1.74ha (Treatment rounds 2 and 5) - AI 1: Propargite, Hexythiazox, Penconazole each of 0.87ha - AI 2: Mefenoxam, Benalaxyl each of 0.87ha

27 Progress to date All data has been collected and verified.
All the data has been inputted and any extreme values have been checked, verified and corrected where necessary All finalised tables will be available by mid-February 2008

28 Thank you for your attention

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