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Unit 5 (A): Consciousness and Sleep

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1 Unit 5 (A): Consciousness and Sleep
Ms. Saint-Paul A.P. Psychology

2 Essential Question What are the psychological roles of sleep, and how is one’s consciousness affected by hypnosis, meditation, and various drugs?

3 Consciousness Consciousness:
Our awareness of ourselves and our environment Sleep Wake Altered states

4 How can Consciousness be Altered
The daydreaming is an important part of our consciousness continum. We all do Daydream some more than the other. Day dreaming is a natural function. Some are physiologically induced. This has everything to do with your body physical state. So, when you body needs are not met , you may struggle to function. Some are psychologically induced

5 Sleep Patterns and Sleep theory
“Sleep is the irresistible tempter to whom we eventually succumb.”

6 “Jet Lag” Have you ever experienced “Jet Lag?” How did you feel?
Why do you think this occurs?

7 Biological Rhythms and Sleep
Circadian Rhythm: The biological clock Regular bodily rhythms (for example, of temperature and wakefulness) that occur once on a 24-hour schedule Ultradian Rhythm: more than once each day (blood circulation, blinking etc.) Infradian Rhythm: once per month/season (Bears hibernating)

8 Biological Rhythms and Sleep
A cluster of cells in the hypothalamus that controls the circadian rhythms . In response to SCN cause the pineal gland to adjust melatonin. Light triggers the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN) to decrease melatonin from the pineal gland in the morning and increase it at nightfall.

9 Sleep Stages Approximately every 90 minutes, we pass through a cycle of five distinct sleep stages (includes NREM and REM Sleep) Sleep contains different types of brain waves that will affect you and the last about 90 minutes.

10 Sleep Stages

11 Sleep Stages Stage 1-2:NREM Lightest levels of sleep Pulse slows
Muscles relax May hallucinate Breathing and brain waves become irregular Alpha waves/Theta waves Stage 1:You will not know the exact moment when you enter stage 1 sleep. It lasts about 5 to 10 minutes. You are easily awaken and will probably insist that you were never asleep. Stage 2: Your brain waves slow down even more. Little brain wave-bursts called spindles are common during this stage. may represent periods where the brain is inhibiting processing to keep the sleeper in atranquil state. The first time you enter this stage it will last about 20 minutes. Over the course of the night, you will spend ½ of your sleep in this stage. Little brain wave-bursts called spindles are common during this stage. may represent periods where the brain is inhibiting processing to keep the sleeper in a tranquil state.

12 Sleep Stages Stages 3-4: NREM Deepest levels of sleep Possibilities:
Sleepwalking/Sleep talking Bed-wetting The first time you are in these rejuvenation stages, it will last about 30 minutes. This stage is called slow-wave sleep or Delta waves Vital for restoring body’s growth hormones and good overall health. Your brainwave cycles are less than 1 cycle per second, compared to 15 cycles per second when you first fall asleep. This stage is called slow-wave sleep or delta sleep. The first time you are in these rejuvenation stages, it will last about 30 minutes. If awakened you will be very groggy. Vital for restoring body’s growth hormones and good overall health. From stage 4, your brain begins to speed up and you go to stage 3, then 2..then… From stage 4, your brain begins to speed up and you go to stage 3, then 2..then…

13 Sleep Stages Stage 5/REM Sleep: “Rapid Eye Movement” Sleep
Pulse and heart rate become irregular Face or fingers may twitch Large muscles become paralyzed Sexual arousal Vivid dreams “Paradoxical Sleep” Beta waves (15-40 cps) After you reach Stage 4, your brain waves will begin to pick up a little more speed and strength. You will move back up through Stages 3, 2, and 1 and then enter your first period of Rem Sleep Brain is very active and body is essentially paralyzed.

14 Sleep Stages With each 90-minute cycle, stage 4 sleep
decreases and the duration of REM sleep increases.

15 Why Do We Sleep? Theories of Sleep
Sleep Protects: Sleeping in the darkness when predators loomed about kept our ancestors out of harm’s way. Sleep Helps Us Recover: Sleep helps restore and repair brain tissue. Sleep Helps Us Remember: Sleep restores and rebuilds our fading memories. Sleep May Play a Role in the Growth Process: During sleep, the pituitary gland releases growth hormone. Older people release less of this hormone and sleep less.

16 Reminders Monday, November 21, 2017 Chapter 5 test
Chapter 5 & 6 Notes are due

17 Chapter 5 (B): Sleep Disorders
Ms. Saint-Paul A.P. Psychology

18 Sleep Deprivation Fatigue and subsequent death Impaired concentration
Emotional irritability Depressed immune system Greater vulnerability

19 Frequency of accidents increase with loss of sleep
Sleep Deprivation Frequency of accidents increase with loss of sleep

20 Sleep Disorders Sleep Disorders: Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep Apnea
Night Terrors Sleepwalking/Sleep Talking

21 Insomnia Insomnia: Recurring problems of falling or staying asleep
Affects 1/10 adults (1/4 older adults) Causes: Stress/Anxiety Depression Drug/Alcohol abuse Irregular sleep schedules

22 Narcolepsy Narcolepsy ( Numbness seizure):
Uncontrollable sleep attacks Sufferer may lapse directly into REM Sleep, often at inopportune times Affects 1/2000 people Causes: Neurological

23 Sleep Apnea Sleep Apnea (without breath):
Temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and repeated awakenings Affects 1/20 people Causes: Enlarged tonsils Obesity Recurring infection

24 Night Terrors Night Terrors:
High arousal and appearance of being terrified Unlike nightmares, night terrors occur during Stage 4 sleep, within two or three hours of falling asleep Seldom remembered Affects mostly children Causes: Sleep Deprivation/Fatigue Stress/Anxiety Fever Intense stimulation of amygdala during sleep Extensive Stage 4 sleep (children)

25 Sleepwalking/Sleep Talking
Walking/talking during Stage 4 sleep Often not recalled Affects mostly children Causes: Heredity Stress/Anxiety Sleep deprivation Extensive Stage 4 sleep (children) Sedative medications

26 Do Now What is consciousness? How can one’s consciousness be altered:
Provide an 3 examples of altered states of consciousness. How can one’s consciousness be altered: Physiologically Psychologically What is a circadian rhythm? How does it influence our sleep behavior? Discuss the sleep cycle: What occurs during each stage of sleep?

27 Review What is sleep debt and how does it relate to James Maas’ Theory of Sleep Deprivation? What are some of the effects of sleep deprivation? Discuss the symptoms and causes of the following: Insomnia Narcolepsy Sleep Apnea Night Terrors Sleepwalking/Sleep Talking

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