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Simulation of Ozone and PM in Southern Taiwan

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1 Simulation of Ozone and PM in Southern Taiwan
Yee-Lin Wu and Der-Min Tsai Department of Environmental Engineering National Cheng Kung University Tainan, Taiwan

2 Background: Monitoring sites

3 Background:

4 Background: PM10 seasonal variations

5 Background: conc. of particulate matter
Sampling duration: Oct ~ Feb. 1999

6 Background: conc. of particulate matter

7 Objectives To evaluate the performance of Models-3/CMAQ for ozone and PM simulation in southern Taiwan

8 Methods: emission Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emission modeling system ( SMOKE ) TEDS 4.2: SOx, NOx, CO, PM and VOCs point, area and mobile sources: emission inventory come from TEDS 4.2 using RADM mechanism to treat the VOCs temporal variations using measurement and TEDS biogenic: 7 types of land use in Taiwan based on BEIS II emission factors

9 Results: Emission

10 Methods: Models-3/CMAQ
Chemical mechanism: RADM2 Aerosol module: aero2 (RPM) Cloud: RADM Without plume in grid module Four domains simulation 15 layers of sigma layer Simulation duration: 1996/11/21~26

11 Methods: Grid information

12 Results: Concentrations compare with measurement data ( NanZi )

13 Results: (simulation - observation)/observation

14 Results: fine particle

15 Results: fine particle

16 Results: fine particle

17 Results: fine particle

18 Conclusions Models-3/CMAQ had been established for simulation of ozone and PM in Taiwan. Biogenic emissions are likely to be underestimated by using BEIS II and 7 type of land use in Taiwan

19 Conclusions Simulation results:
Primary pollutant ( CO, NO ) concentrations agreed with measurement data fairly; NO2 concentration was in better agreement with measurement data. However, peak ozone concentration was significantly underestimated.

20 Conclusions Simulation results:
Simulated concentrations of nitrate were greater than those of sulfate; however, the opposite was observed in the field. Simulated nitrate concentrations were more consistent with measured than those for sulfate. Diurnal variations of NO3- and HNO3 were similar between simulation and observation. However, the peak concentrations of HNO3 and NO3- were not in the same ranges.

21 Acknowledgements We would like to thank Taipower and EPRI for supporting the project and to Prof. C. Wu for the meteorological simulation by MM5.

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