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Key Stage 2.

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1 Key Stage 2

2 Our Teeth

3 Our Teeth Why are teeth important?
Teeth get our food ready for our stomach. Our food needs chewing and squashing up before we can swallow it.

4 Video; Different types of teeth
Teeth Types Video; Different types of teeth

5 Teeth Types

6 Teeth Types Incisor Front teeth Used to slice off chunks of food

7 Teeth Types Canine Pointy teeth next to incisors
Used to grip prey and tear food

8 Teeth Types Premolar Have a flat biting surface
Smaller than molar teeth Good for chewing

9 Teeth Types Molar Biggest teeth At the back of the mouth
Used to chew and crush food

10 Teeth Types Front teeth, used to slice off chunks of food
Pointy teeth next to incisors Smaller than molar teeth, good for chewing Biggest teeth, at the back of the mouth. Used to chew and crush food

11 Teeth illustrations available to print for discussion or wall display
Tooth Types Tooth types Worksheet Teeth illustrations available to print for discussion or wall display

12 Video; What are teeth made of?

13 What are teeth made of?

14 What are teeth made of? Enamel: Hard outer shell that covers the crown of your tooth Dentine: Makes up most of the tooth, including the root Crown Nerve: Gives the tooth feeling Gum: Covers the bone and forms a seal around the crown of the tooth Root Bone: Supports the tooth and holds it in place Crown: The part of the tooth visible above the gum Root: The part of the tooth below the gum, held by the bone

15 Tooth anatomy worksheet
What are teeth made of? Tooth anatomy worksheet

16 Animals and their teeth
Herbivores Example: Sheep, Cows, Elephants Herbivores Eat Plants. They chew all day and need big flat molar teeth to grind up their food. Molar teeth

17 Animals and their teeth
Carnivores Example: Tigers, Sharks, Wolves Carnivores eat meat. They have pointy teeth to catch that grip their prey. Their teeth are sharp to bite and tear meat. Canine teeth that grip Incisor teeth that cut

18 Animals and their teeth
Omnivores Examples: Humans, Bears, Parents Omnivores eat plants and meat. We have lots of different types of teeth to help us to eat what we like . We have sharp teeth at the front and flat, molar teeth at the back.

19 Animals’ Teeth Worksheet
Animals and their teeth Animals’ Teeth Worksheet Animal illustrations; print for use in class discussion or wall display

20 Video; About tooth decay

21 Tooth decay Bacteria are tiny creatures that are so small, your eyes cannot see them Some bacteria live on your teeth Tooth decay happens when bacteria eat sugar in your food Bacteria turn sugar into acid that attacks your teeth This causes holes in your teeth This is tooth decay

22 Tooth decay

23 Tooth decay Tooth decay Worksheet

24 How do we protect our teeth?

25 How do we protect our teeth?
Toothbrushing Toothpaste Healthy Diet Visit Your Dentist

26 Video; How to brush your teeth
Toothbrushing We need to brush our teeth to get rid of food and bacteria Video; How to brush your teeth

27 Toothbrushing We need to brush our teeth to get rid of food and bacteria We need to brush twice a day Before bed and in the morning Before bed is the most important so that bacteria cannot cause decay while you are asleep

28 Toothbrushing We need to brush our teeth to get rid of food and bacteria Brush every tooth, drawing little circles as we go Brush the insides and outsides of our teeth Brush for at least 2 minutes Spit out the toothpaste but do not rinse with water

29 Tooth brushing practical or Tooth brushing worksheet
We need to brush our teeth to get rid of food and bacteria Tooth brushing practical or Tooth brushing worksheet

30 Tooth brushing advice sheet to take home
We need to brush our teeth to get rid of food and bacteria Tooth brushing advice sheet to take home

31 The key ingredient in toothpaste is FLUORIDE

32 The key ingredient in toothpaste is FLUORIDE
Fluoride makes teeth stronger Fluoride adds itself to the surface of your teeth to make them harder Fluoride can harden early holes in your teeth to stop tooth decay

33 The key ingredient in toothpaste is FLUORIDE

34 The key ingredient in toothpaste is FLUORIDE
Video; Eggsperiment

35 Eggsperiment practical and worksheet
Toothpaste The key ingredient in toothpaste is FLUORIDE Eggsperiment practical and worksheet

36 After brushing, spit out the toothpaste BUT do not rinse with water.
This leaves a little bit of toothpaste in your mouth so that the fluoride can keep protecting your teeth.

37 Sugar causes tooth decay
Diet Sugar causes tooth decay Which foods are good for our teeth? Which foods are bad for our teeth?

38 Which foods are healthy?
Which foods are bad for us?

39 Diet Activity; Class discussion / Circle time Which foods are healthy?
Which foods are not? Food pictures available to print

40 Diet Healthy foods Unhealthy foods

41 Sugar causes tooth decay
Diet Sugar causes tooth decay It’s okay to have a treat sometimes But if you continuously have sugar, bacteria can continue to attack your teeth You must not have frequent snacks with sugar The best time to eat sweet foods is at meal times

42 Diet Activity; Class discussion / Circle time
Childrens’ personal diet diaries Example diet diaries See next slide for example questions

43 Diet diary; example questions
Which character has the healthiest diet? What are the benefits of this healthy diet? Who has the least healthy diet? What problems could this diet cause? (Think about their teeth but also general health.) Which foods will affect your teeth? If you are going to have a sugary food, when is the best time to have it? When and how should you care for your teeth? What advice would you give each person? What do you think of your own diet diary? What did you eat that was healthy? What did you eat that was unhealthy?

44 What does your dentist do?
You and The Dentist What does your dentist do? Counts your teeth Checks for tooth decay Shows you how to protect your teeth You should go to your dentist ever 6 months

45 method sheet and worksheet
You and The Dentist What does your dentist do? Activity; Be a dentist method sheet and worksheet

46 What have we learned? About our teeth? About tooth decay?
About caring for our teeth? About food? About the dentist?

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