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Diversity in America?.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity in America?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity in America?

2 Post it note On your post it note 1: Define diversity
2: Is diversity good? (Yes/No) Post it note

3 I’m going to disagree with the class, wouldn’t there be less fighting and more peace if we were all the same? If the US had one race/one religion wouldn’t we get along better? Think about it! Wouldn’t it be awesome if we all liked the same music, movies, and fashion!!!

4 Why is diversity good? Brainstorm for 30 seconds
Think about why is diversity good, do you have any examples? Why is diversity good?

5 With your shoulder partner discuss why diversity is good, share your examples.
Be prepared to share out! 60 seconds Think-pair-share

6 Good job! Project Time!

7 Quick write (4 to 6 sentences) Analyze your historical figure, what impact did this person have on diversity in America (positive or negative)? Mention 2 reasons (100% accuracy) D.O.L.

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