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Reading & Writing Strategies

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1 Reading & Writing Strategies
Ms. Jamieson These are researched based strategies, which help us be able to show what we know!

2 What is a constructed response?
Constructed response means that you are writing your own answer, instead of choosing one from multiple choice. There are two types: short answer and extended response. Extended response are meant to be full essays. You will have one extended response. Writing prompts will be informative/explanatory or opinion/argumentative.

3 Constructed Response: RACE
We can use the acronym R.AC.E to help us when writing constructed responses on reading passages. R- Restate the question A- Answer the question C- Cite the source (text evidence) E- Explain your response

4 Extended Response: SLAM
Extended response writing prompts are meant to be written full essays. To help you do your best on these types of questions, we can use the acronym S.L.A.M. S- State part of the question in your first sentence L- Locate evidence from the text A- Add your own ideas or opinion M- Make a meaningful conclusion or connection. 3 types of connections: Text to Self Text to Text Text to World

5 Writing Checklist Writing checklists help us ensure that we have stayed on topic, and double checked for errors. What should every paragraph include? At least 5 sentences A topic sentence Each sentence relates to a single idea about the main topic Paragraphs explain or describe a topic Supporting sentences - text evidence A concluding sentence

6 Sequencing We use sequencing when we are putting events in the order that they happened. When writing a sequencing piece, DO NOT forget your TRANSITION WORDS: First Next Then Finally

7 Infer: Making Inferences
As readers, we are often asked to infer about the text to answer questions. When inferring, there will not be a specific answer given in the text. We have to use our schema (background knowledge) and what the text says, to infer the answer to the question. We use text evidence to support our inferences.

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