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Late-ly the life of Christ burst out a-live in me

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Presentation on theme: "Late-ly the life of Christ burst out a-live in me"— Presentation transcript:

1 Late-ly the life of Christ burst out a-live in me
Late-ly the life of Christ burst out a-live in me! Old things have passed a-way, e-ven my-self is new. His life floods through me, like ri-vers to-wards the sea,

2 His love shines on me like sun shin-ing on the dew
His love shines on me like sun shin-ing on the dew. With Christ I'll sa-vor life Un-end-ing ev-'ry day Now and for-ev-er I'll walk with Im all the way.

3 Life hid in Him makes my glad-ness of heart in-crease, I set no price on what
pleas'd me in o-ther days. I'm tast-ing heav-en's in-cred-i-ble joy and peace,

4 My life the Lord's for an an-them of pray'r and praise
My life the Lord's for an an-them of pray'r and praise. With Christ I'll sa-vor life Un-end-ing ev-'ry day Now and for-ev-er I'll walk with Im all the way.

5 Hill, stream and wood-land and all that I see is new, Sin-ner and foe-man are
turned in-to friends I know. This is e-ter-nal life tast-ed be-fore it's due,

6 Life with the Lord is a new heav-en here be-low
Life with the Lord is a new heav-en here be-low! With Christ I'll sa-vor life Un-end-ing ev-'ry day Now and for-ev-er I'll walk with Im all the way.

7 Rough though and long His way, All set a-bout with strife, With hymns I'll fol-low on
ex-hu-ber-ant with praise. I'll be with Christ my Lord un-to e-ter-nal life,

8 Dai-ly I'll walk with Him be-yond the length of days
Dai-ly I'll walk with Him be-yond the length of days. With Christ I'll sa-vor life Un-end-ing ev-'ry day Now and for-ev-er I'll walk with Im all the way.

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