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The GridSolar Project Presentation – NRCM January 21, 2010

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Presentation on theme: "The GridSolar Project Presentation – NRCM January 21, 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 The GridSolar Project Presentation – NRCM January 21, 2010
GridSolar, LLC The GridSolar Project Presentation – NRCM January 21, 2010

2 MPRP - Areas of Need

3 MPRP – Proposed Solution

4 MPRP - Out-of-Date Vision of the Electric Grid
Very large Generation Stations WERE the most efficient forms of generation

5 MPRP - Out-of-Date Vision of the Electric Grid
Manufacturing – that WAS best served by Large Central Generation Stations

6 MPRP - Out-of-Date Vision of the Electric Grid
Transmission WAS easy to site and permit

7 MPRP - Out-of-Date Vision of the Electric Grid
Information WAS difficult to obtain and process

8 GridSolar Offers a Different Vision of the Electric Grid
Load growth is weather sensitive

9 GridSolar Offers a Different Vision of the Electric Grid
Generation placed near the load

10 MPRP - Out-of-Date Vision of the Electric Grid
Transmission is NOT easy to site and permit

11 GridSolar Offers a Different Vision of the Electric Grid
Information is easier to manage

12 Maine’s Energy Choice CMP Vision in which peak load is met by large generating facilities located far from load requiring expensive transmission systems GridSolar Vision in which peak load is met through a smart electric grid using small-scale distributed solar generation located close to load

13 CMP Vision – Phase 1

14 CMP Vision – Phase 2

15 CMP Vision – Transmission
765 kV Transmission Lines in Upstate NY

16 GridSolar Vision

17 GridSolar Vision

18 GridSolar Vision Grid Interconnection Equipment for Distributed Solar Systems

19 Misconception Not sunny in Maine
Maine is relatively cold but also quite sunny. Maine lies well south of most of Western Europe where many solar installations have been developed. Maine has plenty of rain to keep solar panels clean.

20 Misconception Solar is Not Reliable

21 Misconception There is not enough land

22 Misconception PV is not cost competitive
NREL Analysis – 2015 States where PV is or is close to price competitive with grid power

23 Costs of Solar PV are Falling
Solar Cost Curve is expected to decline over the next 20 years due to technological improvements, manufacturing scale and new production methods

24 Misconception Solar is Too Expensive
Avoid Very Expensive Transmission Investments Capture Generous Federal Investment Tax Credits and Depreciation Value of Renewable Energy Certificates Sell capacity into New England electricity market. By doing the above - GridSolar can offer for 20 years of fixed energy pricing at 3 cents/kWh

25 GridSolar is less expensive than MPRP
Even after socializing the costs of the MPRP, the GridSolar Project is less costly to Maine Ratepayers

26 Environmental Benefits
At full build-out – Emission reductions resulting from the installation of distributed solar generation will be about 500,000 tons of greenhouse gas a year – the equivalent of taking 100,000 cars off Maine roads.

27 Economic Development Lower electricity prices for 20 years or longer
Opportunity to establish Maine as a leader in the development of solar power and the establishment of “smart grids” Solar Industry – manufacturing, fabrication opportunities in Maine

28 Misconception Mainers Prefer Transmission

29 GridSolar, LLC Contact Information (207)

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