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English Morning Reading

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1 English Morning Reading
Safety on the buses must be ensured (SCMP 26/9/2017 A10) Date of session: 28th September, 2017 (Day 4) Classes: 6C+ 6D Teacher-in-charge: Mr. Tse

2 B. Vocabulary 1. fatal (adj.) L1 – deadly, lethal e.g. a fatal mistake 2. casualties (n.) L3 - people killed or hurt in an accident e.g. heavy casualties 3. adamant (adj.) L20 – determined, firm e.g. an adamant refusal 4. notoriously (adv.) L26 - infamously e.g. notoriously unhygienic 5. overhaul (n.) L39 – review e.g. an annual overhaul

3 C. Useful expressions 1. … have second thoughts ... L32-33 e.g. We had second thoughts about buying the house when we knew it was haunted. 2. … of the utmost importance … L35 e.g. Creativity is of the utmost importance to a designer.

4 D. IP Question How can we reduce road accidents?
Preparation: 2 mins. (note taking) Discussion: 2 mins. (pair work) Presentation: 1 min. (individual) Presenters: 6C (XX), 6D (XX)

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