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Getting into languages teaching

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1 Getting into languages teaching
Saturday 30 June Welcome

2 Why teach languages? Use and pass on your language skills.
Nurture an interest in the culture. Raise awareness of the country. Respond to a growing need! It’s dynamic, fun and engaging. There is a growing need for learners with language skills.

3 PGCE Post-graduate certificate in education
One-year full-time course Two thirds of the time in school One third based at the university Course includes different teaching methods and theories of learning, and a chance to develop school-based practice. Entry requirement of 2:2 degree or equivalent. GCSE English and Maths Grade C or 4. Tuition fees apply.


5 GUTP Grand Union Training Partnership
One year full-time training, which is practical and reflective. Associate teachers are trained in two local schools. They are involved in the classroom from the start. This includes observations, taking more responsibility and planning and delivering their own lessons. Entry requirement of 2:2 degree or equivalent. GCSE English and Maths Grade C or 4. Literacy and numeracy tests. Tuition fees apply.

Award in Education and Training Fifteen week course, usually on Thursday evenings. Sessions focus on theory of teaching. Micro-teach to other classmates.

7 Contact details PGCE Nottingham University 0115 951 5151 GUTP
Tracy Oakley – Recruitment officer ext. 253 AET Liz Bulbeck

8 Philip Allsop 01908 556705
Thank you for coming Philip Allsop


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