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ETS Working Group, 5-6th June 2012
Item 5.2: Draft ESS agreement on a pilot data collection on learning mobility ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Policy demand for data on IVET and general learning mobility
Council conclusions from 29th November 2011: EU benchmark on learning mobility in higher education (BM1) By 2020, an EU average of at least 20% of higher education graduates… Data source recommended: UOE data collection EU benchmark on learning mobility in initial vocational education and training (IVET or BM2) By 2020, an EU average of at least 6% of year-olds with an IVET qualification should have had an initial VET-related study or training period (including work placements) lasting a minimum of two weeks or less if documented by Europass Indicator on youth learning mobility in general (IM) to be developed ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Request to the ESS and the proposal of response
By 2015 – to provide data on IVET (BM2), at least an EU total This means a data collection on IVET (in HH survey) in 2014 By 2015, to report on how to collect data on IVET (BM2) and on general learning mobility (IM) from 2016 (possibly every 3 years) + to develop indicator on youth general mobility This means a pilot data collection on general learning mobility (in HH survey) in 2014 ↓ Response of the ESS: Consultation of the DSS Work of the TF on learning mobility (2 meetings: January and April 2012) Proposal of the pilot data collection in 2014: Via ESS agreement (with financial support) Two options for variables to be included in a free vehicle: Only two variables - on IVET mobility At least five variables - on general learning mobility ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Reply of the ESS - cont. Positive outcome of the consultation with the DSS: 20 MS could agree with IVET data collection in 2014: 10 MS for option 1 (short) (EE, EL, LV, LT, LU, NL, AT, PL, SI, SK) 10 for option 2 (BG, CZ, DK, ES, FR, IT, CY, HU, MT, RO, IS) some - against (BE, DE, FI, IE) or not yet decided minimum sample size requirements are a major issue for some countries (CY, LU, MT, ..) Consultation with the ETS WG on 5-6th June (LAMAS WG will be informed) ↓ Written DSS consultation before summer (for confirmation by countries of the participation in the pilot exercise 2014 and of preferred options) DSS in September (for opinion) ESSC in November - for endorsement and individual signature of the ESS agreement First semester 2013: launching by Eurostat of a call for proposals for the implementation of the ESS agreement Guidelines for the implementation of the data collection - to be prepared by the TF in 2013 Early 2014: pilot data collection by volunteer countries Spring 2015: transmission of data to Eurostat Regular discussion on the future of the data collection on IVET and IM within the WG and other Experts Groups ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Points for discussion of the ETS WG
Pilot data collection 2014: Variables (2 options) Sample size requirement Proposal of the ESS agreement - clarifications, comments Comments on the future work on statistics on learning mobility ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Variables proposed to capture IVET mobility
ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Variables proposed to capture general youth mobility
1st component – IVET mobility ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Other components: mobility in upper secondary education (other than IVET), in tertiary education and other mobility (non-formal education, voluntary service) ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Optional questions on duration of the stay abroad
ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Sample size requirements
Eurostat estimated the number of IVET graduates aged (using UOE data) and the sample size needed to capture IVET and general youth mobility. The unique formula was used for all countries, taking into account information on design effects provided by the TF members. ↓ Current AES sample (with adjustment with the age group 18-24) would allow the EU aggregate on IVET mobility but would be not enough for the reliability of national results. LFS sample should allow reliability of national results on general learning mobility and on IVET mobility in many countries. The sample size requirement could be formulated in the ESS agreement as: The minimum sample size requirement for the 2014 pilot data collection on IVET mobility should correspond to the sample size currently used in the Adult Education Survey. Any increasing of this minimum sample size would allow a better accuracy of the collected data and derived indicators. For any questions: please consult calculations available on Circa ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Proposal of an ESS agreement
Comments on this solution? (need for financial support expressed by many countries) reactions from discussions at national levels? Calendar of actions Proposed format for data transmission (micro-aggregated files, proposed additional background variables) Comments on future work (beyond 2014)? ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Thank you for your attention!
ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
AES ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
LFS ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
Sample size requirement for accurate data on IVET learning mobility per country
ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
ETS WG 5-6th June 2012
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