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Why was the election of 1800 known as the “Revolution of 1800”?

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1 Why was the election of 1800 known as the “Revolution of 1800”?
The Jeffersonian Era Why was the election of 1800 known as the “Revolution of 1800”?

2 Jeffersonian Democracy
“We are Federalists, we are all Republicans.” (1801) “Common Man” – Limiting the role of Federal Government Repealed the Sedition Act, internal taxes including Whiskey Tax Reduced government spending: cut debt nearly in half Reduced size of army and Navy from 25 ships to 7 (but established West Point)

3 Supreme Court & Reelection
John Adams “Midnight Appointments” – Federalists retain control of courts John Marshall (Jefferson’s cousin) appointed by Adams as Chief Justice ( ) strengthen power of federal government Marbury v. Madison (1803) John Marshall’s ruling sets important precedent Judicial Review - Supreme Court’s role in deciding on Constitutionality of laws Aaron Burr - Duel with Hamilton 1804 Burr-Hamilton Duel

4 Louisiana Purchase 1803: Napoleon sells Louisiana territory to Jefferson for $15 million, America doubled in size. TJ’s dilemna? Lewis & Clark, led the “Corps of Discovery” & translator named Sacajawea, explore the new territory from

5 Causes of War of 1812 Impressment: seizing American ships & sailors
Embargo Act of 1807: forbids the export of all goods from U.S. James Madison elected 1808 War Hawks elected to Congress in 1810 The “Indian Problem” on the frontier

6 The Battle of New Orleans, 1815 General Andrew Jackson
The White House Is Burning; The British Are Coming, AGAIN!! (August 24, 1814) Battle of Fort McHenry, 1814 And the rockets red glare The bombs bursting in air… Francis Scott Key The Battle of New Orleans, 1815 General Andrew Jackson What was the irony?

7 Results of War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent – who won?
Downfall of Federalist Party – Hartford Convention “Era of Good Feelings” during the Monroe Presidency. End of hope for an Indian Confederacy east of the Mississippi – Go West! Rise of Nationalism both cultural & economic

8 “Era of Good Feelings” James Monroe “The Virginia Dynasty”
Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 – Florida from Spain Panic of 1819 – 5 year recession

9 The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Warning to Europe: Stay out of the Western Hemisphere! Do not try to recolonize the region. How could you view this if you were in Mexico?

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