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False Persuaders & Their Tactics

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1 False Persuaders & Their Tactics
Lauren VanRoy, Khayla Martinez, Megan Paratore

2 The Straw Man Argument When you purposely misrepresent your opponent's argument so it is easier for you to attack them. This is effective because many people are not well informed so they just believe what they hear even if it's false Ex: when Trump claimed Hilary wanted to abolish the 2nd amendment rights when she really just wanted to increase the gun safety measures

3 Ad Hominem Argument This is an argument when a person attacks their competitor, and not their political ideas. Donald Trump used this tactic very often when he would refer to Hillary Clinton as “crooked Hillary” and Marco Rubio as “little Marco”. This is a tactic to try to make voters view certain candidates as weaker, or as corrupt.

4 The “Appeal to Fear” argument
The “appeal to fear” argument is when decision making skills are impaired and ultimately people don't look at arguments from a rational perspective.Trump relied on the power of fear, he would talk about how the large amount of the Muslim population hated Americans. He even went so far to say that more terrorist attacks like ones of 9/11 would occur. Ex:

5 The Bandwagon Argument
The bandwagon argument is the belief that if a lot of people believe or agree on something then it must be correct (Molloy). Social media is a key contributor in informing the world on news. Most people believe that if it’s been shared on facebook thousands of times it must be true Ex:

6 Genetic Fallacy Argument
This is an argument which is based on someones or somethings origin, history, or source. This tactic uses stereotypes to make it seem as if a whole group of people have the same thoughts and feelings towards certain things. President Trump has used this tactic a few times while on his presidential campaign tour. For example, Donald Trump started using this tactic on the current president at the time Barack Obama who was of muslim heritage by saying his birth certificate was fake. Since President Obama was African American and came up with a muslim background, Trump knew he could get people to agree and follow his claim.

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