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The Great Depression.

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1 The Great Depression

2 Causes of Great Depression
Ailing industries – farming, mining, railroads, steel Uneven distribution of wealth – income gap Majority of people can’t afford products they make Overproduction of goods Factories outputting so many items – not enough people can buy them Other countries can’t afford them either – high tariffs on their goods coming into US Buying stock on margin Borrow money to buy stock More people buy stock When it crashes, can’t pay back loans Doesn’t cause GD, but makes it worse Dow Jones Industrial Average – index of 30 blue-chip companies that represent the whole stock market Banking system No guarantee on money deposited Run on the banks worsens the situation

3 Effects of Great Depression
Bread lines Homelessness Shanty towns (Hoovervilles) Deflation – prices go down to try to sell products Families learned to make sacrifices , share resources to survive, and to not take things for granted

4 Stock Market Crash & Banks Closing

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7 Run on the Banks


9 The Dust Bowl

10 Causes of Dust Bowl Drought High winds Over farming of land
9 Causes of Dust Bowl Drought High winds Over farming of land Direct, negative impact on farmers, who are already hurting Makes Depression worse

11 10 To go further into the “dust bowl.” What it was is that during 1931 there was a sever drought which killed all of the crops out west. Because of this the dead crops and dry dirt would create huge dust storms capsizing houses and even towns. The drought worsened in 1934, which was during the heart of the depression. So not only we’re the city’s economically unstable, the farms were to. But come 1939 which was around the start of WWII and the end of the depression, rain came and helped the west grow gold with wheat. This rain helped pull the country together from the decade of the great depression.

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15 Dust Storms

16 The Dust Bowl The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck wrote about people from Oklahoma who left for California for a better life It wasn’t much better there Too many people doing the same Not enough jobs, money Famous scene

17 Unemployment







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26 16 Up to 1929 the unemployment rate never went over 9%. In the heart of the great depression it got up to almost 25%. And by 1933 one in every four Americans were un employed. And as you can see, 1933 was really the heart of the depression.

27 Families and Children

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33 32 The soup kitchen was a popular place during those days. Everyone came there to get free soup because they couldn’t afford any.

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45 Bonus Army


47 Bonus Army 43,000 WWI Veterans march on Washington D.C. when their farms, homes are being foreclosed on and they’ve never received the bonus money they were promised for fighting in the war. They were ordered to leave and refused Police came and when they resisted, shots were fired Two were wounded, and later died President Hoover orders police and military to clear them out. Women and children are forced out also. All their belongings are burned.

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