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Mars Curriculum Overview –Spring

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1 Mars Curriculum Overview –Spring 2 2018
Abacus Divide 3-digit multiples of 10 by 100 to get 1-place decimal answers Add mentally several amounts of money Column addition to add two 4 digit numbers Literacy – Talk 4 writing NF – Non-chronological reports P: Performance Poems Ruth Miskin Phonics, grammar, comprehension. Science – Rising Stars – Teeth and eating P.E. Real PE –Creative Skills PSHE -Living in the Wider World Mars Curriculum Overview –Spring R.E – Sikhism History – Rising Stars What was important to our local Victorians? DT – Money containers Citizenship – News and current affairs Computing Rising Stars -We are HTML editors Homework – Reading – books and comics (daily), Maths (Mon) Literacy (weds), Science and Spellings (Fri) Languages French Portraits

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