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Overview of FP7 orientations on water and climate in Europe

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1 Overview of FP7 orientations on water and climate in Europe
Philippe QUEVAUVILLER European Commission DG Research & Innovation Directorate I ‘Environment’

2 From Richard Harding, Centre of Ecology & Hydrology (WATCH)
Climate change and water Global drivers of change - Interactions Climate rainfall Land cover incl. agriculture GHGs (ground)water Resources food fuel GHGs Population, Increasing consumption From Richard Harding, Centre of Ecology & Hydrology (WATCH)

3 Climate change in the context of RBMP
Integration of climate change into RBM means to envisage: Adapting monitoring programmes Reviewing pressures and impacts analyses Design tailor-made programmes of measures With the following questions: Will changes affect (ground)water bodies (both qualitatively – e.g. impacts on threshold values - and quantitatively) and hence WFD objectives? Are we able to understand the extent and causes of variability and changes? Is it possible to assess direct and indirect influences on pressures due to climate change? Are we able to Identify and closely monitor climate change “hot spots” Do we have options and tools (e.g. models) that are sufficiently robust to the uncertainty in climate projections? REMARK: The lack of explicit mention of the GWD in the guidance n°24 is not a lack of interest but rather linked to unsolved questions – the little daughter has to show that it is now becoming a teenager 

4 Climate change research
Climate change research may broadly defined along the three following objectives: Knowledge on the climate system and its processes, including the socio-economic drivers of anthropogenic interference with the climate system Knowledge on the impacts of climate change, including climate-related natural risks and climate change health and socio-economic impacts Knowledge on mitigation and adaptation options, including cost estimates Other research areas concerning climate change are related to the development of low-carbon society (involving a wider spectrum of activities, most of them related to technological research) REMARK: Groundwater rarely mentioned explicitely but considered in relation to risk and impact studies. This workshop may provide incentives to convince research programmes that specific support is needed to the GWD

5 Understanding the system requires integrated knowledge (mixing natural, social, economic sciences)
Source: EEA

6 Research at global level
CC impacts on hydrological cycle WATCH: Water and Global Change Some achievements Analysis of current global water cycle through validation and use of models following a common format on global hydrology and land use way Development of methodologies to handle biases in climate model output and to quantify resulting uncertainties Development of river basin hydrological models to better predict extreme events, including floods and droughts (frequency, severity and scale) 25 partners from Europe, EC contribution of 10 M€, end August 2011 – International partners: India, USA, Japan (Africa to follow) OPEN QUESTION: Are models applicable to CC & groundwater management issues – what knowledge can be transferred to policy-makers?

7 International Cooperation
Research on extreme droughts in Africa DEWFORA: Improved drought early warning and forecasting to strengthen preparedness and adaptation to droughts in Africa Improved monitoring and knowledge on drought forecasting, warning and mitigation, and advancing the understanding of climate-related vulnerability to drought Development of prototype operational forecasting for drought monitoring and forecasting Dissemination through stakeholders platform (forecasting agencies, NGOs) and capacity-building programmes 19 partners from 5 EU countries, 7 African countries, JRC and UNESCO Budget of 3.5 M€, end December 2013 OPEN QUESTION: How will the drought forecasting and monitoring prototype consider groundwater aspects?

8 Research at regional level
CC impacts on the Mediterranean CIRCE: Climate change and impact research: the Mediterranean Environment First assessment of climate change impacts in the Mediterranean and their consequences to society and the economy Identification of adaptation and mitigation strategies Support to policies through the RACCM Report – Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean 64 partners from 17 countries, end March 2011 OPEN QUESTION: How does the RACCM tackle groundwater & CC impacts?

9 Policy-oriented research
Research on droughts in support of EU policies DROUGHT-R&SPI Fostering European Drought Research and Science-Policy Interfacing Better understanding of drought as a natural hazard, identification of sensitive regions Development of case studies to understand past drought events, identify best practices and possible Disaster Risk Reduction responses Improved knowledge on links between drought indicators and impacts in different geo-climatic regions in Europe Science-policy dialogue, information sharing and knowledge dissemination and development of policy recommendations to support the 2nd WFD river basin management plan ( ) 9 partners – Budget of 3.4 M€, end September 2014 OPEN QUESTION: Will groundwater be considered and how? 9

10 Policy-oriented research
Impacts on groundwater GENESIS: Groundwater and dependent ecosystems Development of integrated model to better trace pollution pathways and impacts from groundwater to relevant ecosystems. Better understanding on how ecosystems depend on groundwater Understand how changes in land-uses and climate change affect groundwater dependent ecosystems 25 partners from 17 European countries – EC contribution of 7 M€, end April 2014 OPEN QUESTION: Is the project considering groundwater ecosystems, and CC impacts on groundwater quality and quantity?

11 Linking initiatives on relevant themes
EU-Funded research RTD synergies, Critical mass? Links with EU, National, regional stakeholders? Joint dissemination strategies, communication efforts (single voice)?

12 Authorities, local science
Linking specific case studies at relevant scales Case studies Project data: EEA, WISE? Links with regional projects, incl. INTERREG? Links with River Basin Authorities, local science providers, others?

13 Interfacing needs INTERFACE Expertise, tools Research recommendations
Linked to policies (short to long-term goals) Scientific knowledge INTERFACE Transfer & dissem. “usability” Data infrastructure “memory” POLICY-MAKERS Member States Commission Demonstration, practical works at most appropriate level / scale Interactive interface

14 Courtesy of Peter Allen-Williams (IWRM.Net) & Bob Harris
Communication involves two ways exchanges of information who - is your audience or the users of the information? what - do they need to know? how - is it best presented? when - do they need the information? How to ensure an efficient „transforming“ work? Courtesy of Peter Allen-Williams (IWRM.Net) & Bob Harris

15 A simple route? Research Policies Knowledge providers Still simple?
Numerous universities, research organisations 27 EU Member States 110 River Basin Districts One main communication language: EN 323 Regions Courtesy P.A. Williams & R. Harris 23 EU Official languages Knowledge providers Still simple? Policy implementation Stakeholders, citizens

16 Common Implementation Strategy 2010-2012
Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission CIS-SPI Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee WG A “Ecological Status” Chair: JRC, DE, UK WG D “Reporting” Chair: EC, EEA, FR WG F “Floods” Chair: EC, IE Climate Change & WFD Chair: DE, EC WFD and Agriculture Chair: FR, UK WG C “Groundwater” Chair: EC, AT WG E “Chemical Aspects” Chair: EC, JRC, IT, FR, SE Water scarcity and drought Chair: IT, FR, ES Established working groups Temporary working groups Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

17 Towards science-policy interfacing Science-Policy Interface
EC Framework Programme (incl. ERANET & JRC) Joint Programming Initiatives Climate Knowledge And Innovation Community Climate Research Alliance Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Research Project Policy-relevant Themes Policy-relevant Themes Policy-relevant Themes Policy-relevant Themes Science-Policy Interface Policy-makers, Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

18 Scientific literature & POLICY-TO-SCIENCE BRIEFS
Role for the EU: Common Implementation Strategy INTERNATIONAL (Research funding) Research Policies INTERNATIONAL (UN, EU) Research findings, Scientific literature Design and Reviews Intal actors Intal actors ACCESS TO STATE-OF-THE-ART KNOWLEDGE Research Area European Implementation Strategy Common SCIENCE-TO-POLICY & POLICY-TO-SCIENCE BRIEFS ‘Science Digests’ ‘Policy Digests’ Role for the Member States: Networking, Transfer and Implementation NATIONAL (Research funding & implementation) NATIONAL (Implementation & Reporting) TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Research findings, Technical guides Reports, Guidelines Natal actors Natal actors Implem. Strategies National National Progr. REGIONAL (Implementation) REGIONAL (Implementation) STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Research findings, ‘Cooking recipes’ Operational level Regal actors Regal actors

19 And hopefully we can avoid!!
Courtesy of NERC (UK), in Science into policy – Taking part in the process 19

20 Thank you for your attention
Alfredo (IT) Ronald (CH) Michiel (NL) Benedetta (IT) Balázs (EC) Ana Rita (PT) Marie-France (LU) Paolo (IT) Mario (IT) Lothar (DE) Mojca (SI) Johannes (Euromine) Didier (AIH) Elisabetta (IT) Antonia (COPA) Johann-Gerhard (DE) Martina (IT) Carlos (ES) Patrice (EuroGeo) Joerg (SI) Mišo (SI) Maciej (EuroGeo) Manuela (IT) Andi (AT) Lutz (DE) Tony (UK) Isaac (ES) Janko (SI) Philippe (FR) Rebeka (EE) Aude (FR) Juhani (FIN) Ruxandra (RO) Gergana (BU) László (HU) Birgitte (DK) Craig (UK) Ariane (FR) Wilko (NL) Philippe (BE) Rob (UK) Dominique (EUREAU) Martin (DK) Zoran (EWA) Manuel (ES) Lutz (CEFIC) Emilie (CZ) Magnus (SE) Johannes (AT) Loek (NL) Wennemar (NL) Donal (IE) Vincent (UK) Laurence (AIH) Philippe (EC) Hana (CZ) Ildiki (HU) Hans-Peter (EuroGeo) Didier (BE) 2nd EU Groundwater Conference UNESCO, Paris Thank you for your attention Best wishes to Lázsló for a groundwater-policy free retirement!

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