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Presentation on theme: "HERITAGE AND ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS WITH REGIONAL DIMENSION:"— Presentation transcript:

Regional Initiative for Culture and Creativity/RICC network contribution Camila de EPALZA AZQUETA RICC network co-leader Basque Government



4 BASQUE COUNTRY Laws and Regulations: At Provincial and Regional Level
Cultural Heritage + Documents and Archive Management Regional Laws, Provincial Councils competencies about Cultural Heritage Territorial Strategy starting by an agreement public authorities + citizens! Bilbao, more than “Guggenheim Effect”!! Citizens Answer to the economic crisis: Participatory process, rethink the city, the territory: new governance, innovation, education and culture! Global, territorial and urban strategy and line with Smart Specialisation Strategy/S3 guidance : environment/green areas, mobility, new visions, internationalisation, Matching traditions/industrial heritage- new use/new audiences, culture and creativity, open access to the heritage/on-line, Culture and Creative Industries potential, new alliances, new skills and jobs opportunities, entrepreneurship Open Access to the Basque Country Archives, and the NTICs potential, Basque Cultural Heritage Legacy and sustainability, INTERREG Europe CREADIS3 project: an opportunity to articulate the territory and positive CCIs ecosystem & EU dimension, Donostia /San Sebastian European Cultural Capital 2016, Basque Country RIS3, CREADIS3. BEST PRACTICES: Guggenheim, Azkuna Zentroa , Zorrozaurre Creative District, Artxibo/Basque Country Historic Archive, Tabakalera, Fundación Catedral Santa Maria

5 The Regional Department for Culture, Sports and Solidarity is responsible for: protection, valorization, and enhancement of the regional cultural heritage and the promotion of cultural activities. In the field of CH the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region closely works with: Regional Authority for Cultural Heritage – ERPaC -ERPAC has been set up by the Regional Law n. 2/2016 in order to gather in a single public body the missions of preservation, cataloguing, restoration, enhancement, valorization of the regional cultural heritage and detection of new business models for regional cultural assets. Aquileia Foundation – one of the largest and wealthiest cities of the Early Roman Empire BEST PRACTICES: AQUILEIA FOUNDATION - UNESCO World Heritage Site - It was included in the report issued as final output of the “Creative Europe” project called “Culture for Regions and cities”; Amideria Chiozza of Ruda- is a good example of re-use of industrial sites. It was a specialized settlement in the production of starch, opened in 1865 and dismissed in All the machineries are almost intact and equipped as originally. FAI (Italian Environment Fund) awarded the Amideria as “Luogo del Cuore” (Place of the Heart).

6 regional policy making and advisory body for local entities
to plan, promote, coordinate and fund activities to preserve and promote the CH present on the regional territory restoration projects, preventive conservation and maintenance actions, operators training, targeted-youth projects technical expertise dissemination, a capillary network of different heritages, operators and institutions -around 1200, strategic relationships at local, national and international level EMILIA-ROMAGNA: BEST PRACTICES: Istituto dei Beni Culturali (IBC) EU-FUNDED PROJECTS: CHEurope  to enhance the academic and professional training and to open future job opportunities in cultural heritage preservation, management and promotion NEARCH  to explore the various dimensions of public participation in contemporary archaeology and to find new ways of working and collaborating MAP for ID  museums as places of intercultural dialogue and centre of community's active engagement

7 CANARY ISLANDS SICILY Special strategy dedicated to each piece of heritage of the Sicilian Region: Centro Restauro (Restoration Centre) in Palermo Soprintedenza del Mare (Superintendence of the Sea): Created in 2004 for research, protection and valorisation of the underwater heritage Large archaeological seabed, The archaeological pieces remain in their original position to be visited by divers in dedicated underwater museums equipped with a best practice system by UNESCO appointment. The Government of the Canary Islands is currently managing and preparing a new Cultural Heritage Law (updating ) The aim of this reform is motivated by the need to: incorporate immaterial heritage, for example. to consider new architectural assets as industrial heritage, consider the re-use of heritage and strengthen its protection through this new law.

8 ÎLE DE FRANCE New cultural heritage policy of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France: Creation of the “cultural heritage of regional interest” label for the unprotected items. Promote heritage value in the Region and to get to know them as key component of the local heritage. Helps to the territorial dynamics, in order to attract tourists to other heritage sites of the region Cultural Heritage of Regional Interest Label Promote heritage value in the Region and to get to know them as key component of the local heritage. Helps to the territorial dynamics, in order to attract tourists to other heritage sites of the region. Recognizes the weaken heritage and the “new outstanding heritage”



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